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Chapter 17

Harvey didn´t have it easy not looking at his boss. For starters, she was a giantess! And second of all, she was dressed in the most sensuous of ways. With so much flesh out. So much soft, sensuous flesh in display. Her breasts, he had a hard time not thinking on the deep line of cleavage that was out there, in display.

But he succeeded. He managed not to stare. To look away. He managed to focus on his work. Leave the sensuous amazon aside and focus on his computer.

Mrs. Stalwart minded. At first. But then, she didn´t care that much. She was sure, this was far too aggressive. Far too much for an approach. Maybe he´s not that kind of men. Perhaps, he´s not the type that would immediately leer at her, not one to set his eyes on her as soon as he gets a chance.

At first, she was mad. Was she not trying good enough? Wasn´t this what she should do? What dies it mean? Is he not interested!

She was offended. Of course she would, she felt nothing but rejection as he set his eyes away. But, after a little thought, she came to her senses. He wasn´t rejecting her, he was just too shy.

Her anger, instead of rising until it blew up all over him, slowly faded away. And it was replaced by a feeling of forgiveness. Calm, relaxation. She forgave him quite fast. Blaming it all, not on him, but on her. Well, not all, but the most.

Maybe coming to the office with such a luscious look wasn´t the best idea. Perhaps, she was the one to blame for such a provocative look. But that´s what she thinks. Not truly wishing to blame it all on him, but both can be blamed.

Mrs. Stalwart was moving fast, too fast. She knows things shouldn´t be rushed. She´s a woman who likes things done fast, and in the best way possible. But when it comes to love, that can´t be rushed. That cannot be sped up. It needs time to built a strong, healthy relationship. And if time´s what he needs, then, she´ll give it to him.

Harvey was quite lucky. She doesn´t give most men too much time to do something she wants them to. Plus, she doesn´t give anyone a second chance.

If he was just any random guy, she would´ve fired him already. It would´ve been easier to get rid of him than waiting for him to make a move. Or if things had gotten awkward, then getting rid of him would´ve been an option too.

Besides, who´d complaint if he gets fired? She´s the boss. Her decisions are made, no questions asked.

But Mrs. Stalwart didn´t want to get rid of him. She didn´t want to set him away. What she wants from him is love. For Harvey to look at her and smile, to smile and come to her with her arms widely open. Wanting nothing but to embrace her.

For him to wrap his arms around her. Trying to embrace every inch of her, even if it was nearly impossible.

To see him trying to embrace her big, voluptuous body. She could almost feel his hands, squeezing her body. Touching her curves.

“Mmmm, yes… right there…” She says, feeling his hands squeezing her.

Touching her. His hands all over her breasts. Trying to grab them, to hold them, even if they were way too big to be embraced. Being a 9´6” amazon isn’t easy. And it´s even harder to find a man to praise her like the goddess she is.

She can see him, doing his best to grab, to hold, to touch all of the enormity of her bosom. She can see him, on top of her breasts. Touching her naked boobs. It was so hot. She felt so turned on. So hot, heat all over her body.

Her temperature rising. And rising. She could feel quivers all over her body. A sensation of lust, desire. He was there, right before her. Just as she wanted. Right?

She felt passion, and an urge. And urge for him to finish with the tease and just go for it. An urge for him to fuck her. To sink his member in her pussy. To rub his crotch with hers as he inserts his hard member deep inside her hungry pussy.

It was so good. So, so good. Perhaps, too good to be true?

“Ohhh!” She woke up. Moaning in bed as she wakes herself up. Turns out, Mrs. Stalwart was asleep.

And she was having such a vivid dream. She went to bed with an idea in mind, a wish. For him to fall for her. To love her, to hold her. For Harvey to lust over her, to touch her!

Maybe she had that desire more than anything else. A feeling of lust. And during her sleep, it came out as a luscious dream. A dream where she got exactly what she wanted. A man, a lover. For him to squeeze her breasts.

Mrs. Stalwart woke up, sweating in lust. And a craving, a craving for some action. She could feel a tingle down in her pussy. Her swollen pussy.

“Mmmm, it was a dream… ugh… just a dream.” A dream, and now, she felt horny, hot, and, well, maybe she´ll need to finish this on her own.

But the dream was no lie, she did wish for Harvey to come and do those exact things to her. And she knows that, in time, she´ll get what she wants.

But her main goal is not sex. Her main desire is not lust. Her main goal is not a carnal desire. What she wants, what she truly wants, is love. The kind of love in which you can come home and just, feel it all over the place.

Love in which, as soon as your lover sets his eyes on you, you´re everything he wants. Love in which, as you turn back, your heart skips a beat and all you can think of is him.

The kind of love that gets you warm inside. Not hot, not lusty. Love, easy, cozy love. A couple, a sweet couple with whom to share, to chat, to be sincere. It´s been so long since she´s been honest.

It was hard being the boss. To be the one in charge, the leader. There´s an image she must take care of. No one truly wants to see her cry, to see her sad, what they want is a leader who can take a decision. And not just any decision, but the best one.

She carries a huge weight on her shoulders. A weight no one´s aware of. But she doesn´t mind, she´s used to it. Still, even if she´ll take care of it, it wouldn´t hurt to share how she feels about it.

It´s been so long, and she´s still single. When would love come? It´s taking too much time. Perhaps, it was time for her to take some action.

No prince will come to her, not over a golden horse. And no birds will sing her song. No love will come to her if she doesn´t try.

She´s never truly tried before. And she´s got some feelings for Harvey. Is he the one? She feels like he is. The feeling she gets when she sees him, it´s not lust, not desire, but, something different.

A warm feeling, maybe she feels comfort just by seeing him? The feeling that tells her, he´s the one. Can there be a feeling for it? Is there a feeling you have whenever you think something´s right?

Every time she sees him, she knows it. But the thing is, does he? Is he dragged to her? Like gravity, does her body pull him into her? His attention? Does she call for his love like he calls for hers?

“A date…” She thought, on a different day, sitting at her desk.

Mrs. Stalwart was busy with work. Like always, busy going through some files. Very important files. Files she must go through carefully, and taking as much time as she needs. After all, she´s got a full week before she needs to send her report back, plus, her approval.

It was plenty of time, usually, it takes her about three days to get over it. But this time, it was different. Now, she had a little distraction…

Mrs. Stalwart was looking at Harvey. Not straight at him. Not looking at him being abruptly obvious. She was taking quick glimpses at him. Then, getting back to work, and then, back at him.

It was a bit hard to do this. She had to divide her attention in half. Half of her mind was set on work, and she got some periods where the screen before her eyes, and the information on it, was all she thought about. But it didn’t last for as much as she would´ve wanted to.

Flashes, ideas crossed her mind. Quick thoughts. And what were those thoughts about? Easy. About someone. About Harvey.

She even bit her lips as memories of that dream came to her. His hands, his hands over her enormous, naked breasts.

She pictured him, naked, all over her enormous body. Touching her enormous curves. Lusting over her large, fleshy body. Her big, hefty, mature body.

But she gets a bit too lost on those thoughts. To the point where she wonders if she got too lost and he caught her looking at him while she wasn´t paying attention. She turned red, rapidly blushing with embarrassment.

And, at that moment, she turned back at her computer. What if he caught her? Well, she can pretend she was just supervising him. Looking at him as she made sure he did a good job. That could work, right?

Well… if she was next to him, looking at his computer, then it would. But looking at him from her desk?

It was obvious she was just looking at him. But it could mean a lot of things.

However, she doesn´t want him to believe in a lot of things. She doesn´t intend him to think there´s other thing but love in her mind.

Mrs. Stalwart turned back at her computer. What can she do? What can she say? She´s the boss, so basically, her words are kind of orders to him. But she doesn´t want to order him to go out with her. There should be a casual way to ask for it.

She spent the rest of the hour thinking, wondering what to say. How to make things casual? How to make things clear? Can she actually tell him she loves him? She´s not even sure if it´s true love!

There´s so much they ignore about the other. It´s not forbidden love, but, if you don´t really know this other person, is it love?

Well, things are clear, right? In order to get to know each other, first, they need to hang out. And, what a better way than a date?

After all, he already lives at her old place, so, asking him out shouldn´t be such a weird idea, right?

And she could make things so casual, as in, “I´m just hanging out with you so that I know better the man I lend my apartment to.” As easy as that.

But, is that the right excuse?

There´s a need for a date. Definitely. She needs to know him better. He needs to know her better. Could she fake a business trip? Could she make something up? Or, should she just ask him out? What to do? What to say? How to ask?

Perhaps, she needs to think this through, before she makes a mistake. Or…

“Harvey?” She asked. With her real voice, in the real world.

“Yes, Mrs. Stalwart?” He turned at her.

“Are you free next Saturday?” Well… she just asked. Without a plan. Now, it´s time to make something up. Oh, and pick a place.

She made the question, and then realized what she did. She already said it, and he heard it. There´s no turning back. It seems, there´s a date in the future for these two. That´s if it can be called a date…



Haha so excited for the happy couple, and can’t wait to see what they end up doing on their date…and what she’ll wear :)


I love this story so much my friend.


Wow, I really hadn´t thought about what she´ll wear! I guess we can talk about it ;D

Guanyin He

when will you update the story? I can't wait .