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If i can make a suggestion for the voting. I'm subbed to another artist that labels each character suggested with a number starting with 1 and ending with however many suggestions there are. Then those numbers get put into a number randomizer and only 3 of them are chosen. Then the 3 chosen characters get put on a poll to be voted on. This way makes everything more randomized and some new characters that we haven't seen from other artists get chosen


And it doesn't only have to be 3 choices it can still be 10 but i figure it would help since last time there was A LOT of suggestions

Luan Mendes

yes, momoji is using this method and it seems to work well, but for at least a few months I will still stick with the current method and then we can open a vote for patrons to choose which option to use definitively


I like this new approach


Same. The last vote was a bit confusing with this change hopefully it will also give more options a chance also.