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making it very clear, we will not be responsible for printing failures use the pre support at your own risk.




Lol. It's a good thing you make that clear. I prefer presupported files because that means at least they've been printed succesfully once, but with resin printing you never know. ANYWAY CONGRATS TO GETTING TO 250 SUBS, AND THANKS A LOT FOR THE PRESUPPORTED ADDITION 💜💜💜💜


So not the saturn or saturn 2😆 got it Will use non supported then. Thanks for the heads up!

Fernando Ferro

I have a Halot One Pro 😸

Luan Mendes

haha we're growing thanks to you guys i need to thank you all for your support <3 and just to make one thing clear when i say medium sized printer i mean elegoo saturn size hahahah


I usually like to increase the size of what I'm printing and support myself but like to use the presupported versions to show best orientation of the object. (Elegoo Jupiter)

Fernando Ferro

yo tengo una halot one pro T_T