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Joshua Draven

Here we go Quisty!!! FF8 is my favorite game of all time. A lot of people say She was a useless character but I have always been a huge fan of hers. I look at characters background and not just playability. She became an elite member of one of the world’s leading military organizations at age 15 and an instructor at the age of 17. She deserves the 3D Moon touch 😉 https://www.google.com/search?q=quistis%20remaster&tbm=isch&hl=en&client=firefox-b-1-m&sa=X&ved=0CBgQtI8BKAJqFwoTCLjSnpfpq_4CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAV&biw=414&bih=814#imgrc=Jlt5gTw5Cx1p_M&imgdii=ycrpbgSnnEe5RM


Go Kazemon!!!


Bo Katan! It is the way.

William Anderson

Digimon perdendo mais uma vez 😥😥