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macneal wegman

Anything from Aspen Comics is amazing, Fathom was one of my first “obsessively collect everything” titles. RIP Michael Turner, gone way too soon.


Really you guys want another cammy sf6? There are 3 models already released from others...

Instant Noodle

Yes, I would love to see Aspen made or even a Witchblade. Sadly looks like another Cammy will be added. I have too many Cammy models from other patrons. So much overlap of the same few characters every month.

Joshua Draven

Let’s go Quisty!!! Keep the 3D Moonn final fantasy streak alive 😂 https://www.google.com/search?q=quistis+trepe&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjgtemXsf3-AhVALd4AHb3WDnUQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=quistis+trepe&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIECCMQJzoHCCMQ6gIQJzoECAAQAzoHCAAQigUQQzoFCAAQgARQ-wxYtCVgzStoAnAAeACAAV-IAd4HkgECMTOYAQCgAQGwAQXAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=0VJlZKCJM8Da-LYPva27qAc&bih=716&biw=414&client=firefox-b-1-m#imgrc=69Q8uf0itR-eUM

macneal wegman

Maybe someday, for a special occasion or something, there could be a diorama with the Top Cow/Image trio of Aspen, Sara and Lara. Or just Aspen in her full organic bikini getup lol.

Tony Hodge

And hot take, the outfit is...fine. Cammy classic leotard is so sexy and iconic it was a travesty to change it.


Yes! Finally one that I want is gonna win lol. And I know you guys are gonna make it amazing


Quiet - Metal Gear. Come-onnn who doesn’t like sexy assassins with big guns! You know when Luan gets done rendering her it will be awsome!! Bring it for Quiet!?!


I believe oxo3d just did revy last month. I honestly just want digimon to come back as a regular thing.

Victoria Davis

I was thinking the same and wanted another :/. I don’t even do the canny models. At least he does more than 1 model a month. Sad my recommendation didn’t make the cut

Luan Mendes

I forgot to put the day that the voting ends, on the 19th


there have been waaaaay too many Cammy statues the last couple months

macneal wegman

I think Quiet is great. I'm a really big fan of the half a dozen plus other high quality models of her.


I to agree with the Cammy comments.


God i hope it's not cammy. would be a massive waste of money this month


fine with cammy, as is with the majority lol


it’s true Quiet has been done a few times like any other quality character. But none of those times have been anywhere near the quality of Luan’s work.