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People seem to really despise nuts for this month, not sure why.

What should I draw the most this month folks?

Comment themes or requests, whatever people seem to like the most, we will go with that!



Idk.... How about drawing any media that has the word "November" in it :D Like the songs November Rain, November Has Come, Sweet November etc Or shows/ movies that have a november saying. like V for Vendenta and the "5th of November speach" or "Their agent is on the beach, and his ass wont get of the sand until November" from Good Morning Vietnam. IDK, I am out of ideas at this moment XD

Aetos the Ronin

The 5th of November? Also if anyone is interested the bosses from Salt and Sanctuary are great to see. Like the Queen of Smiles for instance.


Steve doing his best to beat no nut November lol


The blessed Chrome, give us fuel and fire, metal and blood. WITNESS US (Mad Max style stuff lmao)

Aetos the Ronin

Let's go with a werewolf that has been infected with The Plague of Madness from Primal.