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Here's the layered PSD file for "Shigure in Shimakaze Costume💕". (See attachment)

- The file is created with Photoshop CC 2023.

- The layers are arranged to some extent for easy viewing. Please let me know if you need further explanations about the file.

- The image size is reduced.

- The file is not compatible with Paint Tool SAI.

There were reports that the previous file could not be opened with Clip Studio due to the use of Photoshop's adjustment layers. In that case please try the Clip Studio compatible file below.

*The colors will differ from the original since the adjustment layers are not included.


📧 Please let me know if you have any problems opening the file.

💖 I'd be grateful if you like & bookmark this piece on the original post!

🙏🏼 Repost and commercial uses are strictly forbidden.


#艦隊これくしょん 島風型時雨と💕 - アーサー⚓🇬🇧のイラスト - pixiv

この作品 「島風型時雨と💕」 は 「艦隊これくしょん」「艦これ」 等のタグがつけられた「アーサー⚓🇬🇧」さんのイラストです。 「どこか見覚えのあるコスプレを着てもらった-💖湯気差分・PSDファイルはFANBOXとPatreonで公開中:https://arthurkcy.fan...


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