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Inspriration struck several times over when setting up a "simple" shot for the Pixiv Rain effect. Felt a shower was a little more out of the box than a rainstorm, then did what I normally do and started taking things way too far. Added Hope looking into the shower, tossed in Suki, Hope started looking adorable in her images, so I took a bunch of them... I have no sense of focus. (If you like Sad!Hope over Happy!Hope there's a few more I took with the hotspring scene, that are a litle more "artsy" if you count something containing a gigantomastic petite girl looking sullen as "artsy"
This isn't even all of the images I took in the shower scene, as I'm holding some back for the sake of a mini-comic and an image progression POV thing I may need to follow up on. I can tell you that image pov set has at least one panel featured on here.

Like everyone else who's a gamer dweeb, I've been putting a lot of time into Elden Ring's DLC, but I have another one of those "multiple free days" coming up, so let's hope I hemmer out something in that time frame. (Priority is still Suki's Hot Tub.)



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