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(UPDATE 09/25/24: Added Anji)

I generally always had wondered what it would be like to make my characters into a VN. I'm more of a fan of branching paths and different endings (Hourglass of Summer comes to immediate mind) but I wouldn't know where to begin with that kind of design. Well, I know there's a few VN makers, but that's not the point of these right now...

Basically, I was always wanting to make a few comics explaining certain things, like this Patreon, why my Pixiv posts are censored the way they are, and any other questions that would come about that would be more fun to answer and explain in-character voices.
The problem is it takes me a LONG time to complete comics (We just passed the 2 year anniversary of Suki's Hot Tub, and that comic's not even DONE yet.)

As a test, I'll likely use these to make a "welcome comic" that I was planning for new Patrons (with slight variations by Tier.) as I thouht that would be more interesting than a standard boring welcome message. As long as it allows me to I'll set it up, and if nothing else, I'll find a way to do it.

As always suggestions for content and single images to keep me from hitting burnout are always welcome. Y'all can be kinda quiet for a community having 40-50 members.

These will all be saved as a scene that will easily let me hot-swap clothing and poses so I can do a lot more with it if the time comes. If there's a demand for Anji, Lorelei, Xan, Zylus, or Leiko, let me know as I'm working on the main 5, plus Suki at the moment.




That's a really cool format, considering you have a lot of characters I think it suits VN format well. Ah, also, I definitely would like to see Anji in this VN-like welcome message *o*