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Those at the $5 preview tier already have access to one of these in a lesser format, but if you're wondering what's coming up by the end of the month, here's the titlecards from the next two comics, and I'll let you speculate what's going on.

Milori's Hot Spring: 90-95% complete. Will focus on finishing this very soon. Like, within the week. Some of the final scenes are going to be a little complicated to stage, so hopefully that won't be too much of a headache.

Suki - Futanari Tamer: 100% complete, and waiting final payment/approvals. The title might confuse people until you read the subtitle. This is the commission request I've been working on for the past month or so, and despite it being a bit of a departure from what you're used to, I think it turned out very well, and will be shared once everything is finalized.



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