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Hello Doves,

Just letting you all know, especially our $5 and up patrons, that the newest update to the testing build for the beta will be sent out soon. By Friday if not sooner! This version will have a few additions for testing, so keep in mind it may be buggy! Please report those bugs to our discord channel if you can!

Speaking of the discord channel: Let me know if you're a member of it and what your user name is. I want to be able to have you all who are paying be able to access to the patron only discord. Let me know in the comments below if you are a member and I'll get you hooked up to the discord :)

Talk with you all soon!

~ Pillow Princess


Neo Uno

YAAAAYYYYY 🎉🎉🎉 I'm part of the discord server and my user is “ne0uno” ^^