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How do these karaoke machines even gauge the singer's scores hahaha

Watch here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/v986ejl4met5jvbszum0h/NMIXX-Conodoll-Episode-14-36.mp4?rlkey=f4mx1zwuwqq7rnyopfdmrg9ue&dl=0



Jus Vij

Awesome!! :D

Eugene (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-19 14:41:03 I recommend you to react to conodoll episode with yujin, rei and leeseo. It's an old one but still would be fun to watch! https://youtu.be/qJ7n571aG8I?si=DF7EIm30F9Ky-QBM
2023-09-26 04:48:55 I recommend you to react to conodoll episode with yujin, rei and leeseo. It's an old one but still would be fun to watch! https://youtu.be/qJ7n571aG8I?si=DF7EIm30F9Ky-QBM

I recommend you to react to conodoll episode with yujin, rei and leeseo. It's an old one but still would be fun to watch! https://youtu.be/qJ7n571aG8I?si=DF7EIm30F9Ky-QBM