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Hellooooo lovely lovelies!

Work continues apace on the Suggestion scene, but something felt a little more pressing to do before I completely slapped it in and up, and that something was...WebP!

Size Matters ;)

Oh WebP. For those of you who participate in our discord Hunger Games, you know how I loathed thee. Loathed in the past tense, because thanks to WebP (and removing some currently-unused Live2D models) I've been able to shrink the game down by over 3x, turning a bloated, slow-loading 8.9GB to a much more reasonable 2.5GB. Still big, but...ok. And still with some more room to shave down I think, before new assets bulk it back up!

Skin Only

As a part of this, I revisited the Thrall Designer, and after spending a few hours tinkering and thinking about its issues, I've decided to roll it back to the 'Thrallskin' layer, and intend to redesign it from there. Looking it over, there was a lot of chaff in the UI that made it unwieldy and slow to load, and there's some aspirations I don't want to be thwarted simply by making the base model too complicated to then expand on and do cool stuff with.

Most of the functions will return, including some new ones, but I'm going to be more thoughtful about it, so expect it to be a bit of a background dripfeed during these more progressive Game Updates.

Anyway, that's enough blahblah for now, indulge in the smaller size and faster loads with no loss of image quality! As ever, let me know of bugs you find over on the discord or so and I'll do my best. Enjoy! :D

VERSION 0.017 [Windows and Linux only, Mac at 0.009]

  • Vastly reduced filesize, from 8.9GB to 2.5GB!

  • Faster loading times across the board!

  • Rolled back the Thrall Designer to Thrallskin/Skin tone only for future development testing

  • Reworked some L-D19 Assets

  • Changed Title Art


Reorientation WIP (Updated August 03, 2024) Password: ClickClackHeels

Orientation Demo (Updated Apr 28, 2021)


OutfitChanger 2.0 (Updated Jun 03, 2023)

OutfitChanger 1.0 (Updated Jul 28, 2022) Password: ShinyHappyPeople

Pet Demo (Updated Apr 22, 2022) Password: IrresistableTriggers

Dossier (Updated Mar 14, 2022) Password: MarniEvolution

Scene Repository (Updated Sep 11, 2021) Password: FollowMeSinkDownDropForMe




The password for the new demo doesn't seem to be working for some reason.

James Gregory

Just tried the password as well. No luck.


Grr, accursed page always pulls up a new autosave password. Fixed now!