'Lo all!

As previously mentioned, this month is one of four (Feb, May, Aug, Nov) in which I wanted to try cracking out a short game in between bouts of more focused Thrallworks and regular content in the other months. I'd say I'm going to end up overshooting the window by about a week and a half/two weeks for an early March release, which isn't too bad, but still something to be avoided where possible.
Also, the nature of this particular game is one in which I'll probably be spending some dedicated time post-release (maybe 1 day a week) to add in some of the features that we're cutting in order to have something presentable within the above timeframe.
I don't want to take up additional dev-months like this though, and working on this has made me consider more specifically what I want to use these months to do. To this end, I believe I'll use the other 3 months to work on some of the sub-systems I want to have in the main Thrallworks game that could also be released as standalone experiences-- there's a number of them that I think could be done within a month, even if not fully arted out.
To list them out...
Domine System
- Book Domine Session
- Pick whether they are domming or subbing and the 'structure' of the session to begin with.
- They turn up and you perform a number of timed events/keyboard presses that either they dictate to you, or it's you performing/doing something to them
- Likely to use layered CG's, which also function as the fun of doing it.
- In Main Game: Also used to push certain plot elements.
Amazon System
- Book Amazon Session
- You pick both the 'level' the Amazon comes at you with, and the strength of their 'hand'.
- They turn up and you play a minigame with them. TRIPLE TRIAD BAYBEEEEE
- If you win, you get to command them. Some of these will have CG's attached.
- In Main Game: May well spread out the game to other people/Amazon thralls you randomly meet, and play games with them and obtain new cards.
- Bitches love triple triad.
Rumination System (Harem System)
- You pick a person to think about.
- You navigate a 'map' using what you know about them, travelling it using thought-pathways to see if you can find new insights about them while trying to avoid errant thoughts and distractions.
- Depending on the person, you can find new questions to ask them about or things to advance.
- You can also find 'flights of fancy' or imaginings as small insert CG's of ficiticious, dreamlike occurences.
- This 'map' is 3D in that you can dig down in spaces to try and get deeper insights into their psyche.
- You can hire a Harem thrall for an evening's relaxation and sexytimes, if you like.
- Unlike the other pleasure thralls, the opposite of interaction is required here, where the more relaxed/hands off you are, the more of a bonus you get toward a super-charged version of this map-navigation at the end of the harem scene.
- Main Game: Relevant for a few characters you can pick between, as well as devising new lesson-methods for L-D19. For the minigame version of things, we may just arbitrarily pick a character or use an OC or similar.
'Stream' System
- Training/hypnotizing a fellow human for fun and profit!
- Work on deepening/strengthening her trance between shows
- Do 'streams' with her where you respond to prompts from the chat to do different things with her, triggered from some timing minigames
- How smoothly you manage to segue between things helps with how entertained the stream-people are, increasing numbers of followers and so forth
- Involves a number of CG's for the various activities.
- Main Game: A particular character we're going to get to know shortly is someone you could do this with...
'Chat' System
- *Be* one of the chat members to do this to a streamer hooked up to a 'brainwashing' system!
- You're one of a few members with access to donate money to add things to her program, extend timers and so forth.
- You get steady funds over time to make adjustments to her, and can gain boosts by gambling on things happening on-stream, like pachinko or the like.
- Probably a single animated view of the girl in her chair, with various twitches and other things. Mantras, etc.
- Main game: I'm thinking this will be a staff member who you'll be able to discover in various backgrounds, where if you do see her there you can use one of the 'commands' you've set up in these chats in order to get a special CG/interaction from her.
There's also the ponygame I could work on, but I don't need to poll interest in that, and I doubt I could finish that in a month...though it might be good to use one of these months to push it along or create the foundation.
Anyway, that's all for this post! I expect the new one will either be a Thrallworks update or the launch post for this Dev-Game-- please let me know which of the above systems you're interested in and leave comments on what you might like to do in them or what options you think would be neat, I am interested in what y'all would like to see.