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Day's passed by all too quickly with the two kitsune and the guards swapping between the watches of Keqing and myself as I quickly built up the factory with my build gun that no one could use with how it was locked to my DNA signature... To say nothing of how they couldn't even read its display.

But either way with the water filtration, and biomass collecting system finished I laid out the foundation and levels of the factory which went up to five floors tall with the factory reaching more than a hundred meters tall and needing Keqing to fly me around.

Allowing me to zip around like a mad goblin with my build gun shooting new structures into existence. The first three levels of the factory were used to grow the actual Treasure Rice in hundreds of individual acre-wide platform pools that were hooked up to the water filtration systems and the feed pumps.

Along with the feed pumps to augment them I got the menial men to go towards some swampy area's to grab large clumps of frog's so they could be held in a captive ecosystem and fed with them fed chemicals that would induce and force them to reproduce more.

As frogs could give birth to fuck loads of offspring that could very easily be fed and used to feed the treasure rice.

Not to mention the frog's would also act as pest control for any insects that tried to get into the Treasure Rice as it was being dried out.

But there was just one issue... I slightly miscalculated the fact that with how I was just building the same thing on several levels I could just... Copy the previous floor basically to the floor above. 

And I could feel the reaction of the mystery divine when their spiritual energy leaked out when several miles of machines weighing millions of tons along with countless planters formed out over the course of fifteen minutes as my Build Gun removed a large amount of materials from my Spatial Rings.

So with the fourth and fifth floors of the mega factory simply being the drying section, the first through third would be sealed so the pressurized spiritual energy wouldn't be leaking out. The factory itself was literally done within five days exactly.

"Alright, they will be busy watching the factory to make sure that it is growing the Treasure Rice for the next week... And in the meantime, we will just be continuing our vacation!" I spoke smugly making Keqing look at me flatly but I just winked at her.

And to that effect with the factory 'done' while under the heavy guard that was Yae Miko herself, I was 'allowed' access to Inazuma City to eat some fresh food and restock on some materials all on Yae Miko's bank account.

Thankfully the base materials they had on hand were still pure enough for my needs, but even as we were wandering the city I could easily tell how food prices were greatly... Heavily inflated due to scarcity with even the sakura blossoms being carefully swept up so people could eat them.

"So Yae, I get that Inazuma's soil isn't that great for large-scale farming operations. But why don't you guys fish more?" I asked curiously knowing that I saw fishermen fairly commonly.

And while eating the horribly overpriced tofu Yae stated dully. "Because the deeper the water you are in... The bigger the sea monsters you run into. So we can't do large-scale fishing operations due to mountain-sized monsters only the divine and demi-god level cultivators and martial artists can deal with." 

My lips twitched at the flat way she spoke and already I could imagine solutions to that. Simply have a large-scale flying castle-like structure with great nets that could run through the ocean below, with the nets when full would pull up to the castle to have the fish dropped into a spatial device that could stop any decay even if the fish would die very quickly.

With a tier four martial artist, or cultivator being designated to watch over the structure that could also act as a cultivation point with how I could pressurize the spiritual energy.

I felt Keqing poke me in my side as she drawled in amusement. "Jake no. We are on vacation now." 

And I just chuckled as I took a drink of my tea as part of my consciousness returned to my spatial rings where I looked at where a Pelican was being built for stealth and speed was being built via the build gun within the spatial ring.

With Keqing and Yae Miko being none the wiser as it was a complete bitch to say the least to integrate spatial runes and wards with a micro laser while working on my factory. So that the spatial pocket within this spatial ring wasn't frozen temporally like all other spatial rings were naturally.

"Hmm, so I am curious Jake." Yae spoke before she paused in thought at how to frame the question. "I am surprised your lovely wife isn't trying to push for you to make some way back to Liyue. Why are you just so calm?" 

My lips twitched before I laughed and said calmly. "Eh? Why would I be in a rush to leave? I am doing what I wanted to do in making mega-sized structures. Granted I wish you didn't kidnap me as I am behind schedule with my Liyue builds now to say nothing of lacking my more specific materials I can only get from my factories in Liyue."

I made an obnoxious sipping noise from my tea that made Keqing's lips twitch knowingly as Yae's kitsune ear's twitched in annoyance at the noise.

"But why get all bothered about stupid details when I am still building? I have Keqing here who I love so I am not lonely or anything, but either way who is to say I don't have some kind of grand escape plan?" I teased with Yae's face twitching.

The pink-haired kitsune was silent for a moment before she spoke with amusement. "Well Jake, with such genius behind your every move... Why don't you give me a little hint on how you plan to escape?" 

I raised an eyebrow and... An utterly evil thought hit my mind so I grinned and said. "In the food factory, one of the thousands of machines is actually a cover for a teleporter. Goodluck..." 

And I will never forget Yae Miko's look of utter dismay as she realized that no matter if I was lying or telling the truth. She and the rest of the tier four cultivators who could actually sense spatial energy disturbances were going to have to go over my factory with a fine toothcomb.



Perfect way to send them on a goose chase lol good chapter


Jake being Gremling

Ethan Cohen

You fuck around and find out, poor yae shoulda known better then to open her mouth about an escape plan


On one hand they totally deserve it, on the other I don't quite like the gremlin act as much as I thought I would? I mean he being a nuisance is justified but kind of boring after a while... on the other hand I very much look forward to the boot dropping on them. Hmm, now that I think about it: * The Lettuce should already now exactly where he is... is she waiting for him to finish the factory so that even if she kidnaps him they won't put as much effort in pursuing, huh, big brain moves there... * The russian mafia should have found him as well by now and should be planning his 'as scheduled meeting' with the Tsaritsa... even if they have to leave a little bit of 'terrorism' as thanks behind... * I'd like to think that Ningguang is as capable as she presents herself so... she probably has her hands tied in how to send a force powerful enough to retrieve them without leaving her defenseless against the various sects? ...obviously the Divine are in the denial stage of grief that they could have been fooled by mortals. TLDR: I should write smaller posts more frequently instead of condensing my thoughts too much.

Damion Frost

Jake is going to be hated by pink fox girl


Love the martial world Teyvat story so much, it’s nice to see a Jake employ “Science” in a punch wizard world

Rauko the varment

Don't tease a kitsune because it's like teasing a yandere, I will not be surprised if they get so riled up and decide to get a little something something from him~😏

Hmm is it time

Thanks for the great chapter looking forward to more.


I could see Jake running into Itto and introducing him to beyblade instead of that shitty dung beetle game he likes to play


Lmao you aren't wrong in these 'points' you made so lets start from the top. 1-The Lettuce after two minutes easily fucking noticed the massive concrete structure over the last week that can literally be seen from space with her astral projection into Inazuma. 2- Merchant Spies in Ritou Island who belong to Sneznahya have also used talisman notes to report to the Tsartisa and the Winter Guard about the sus 'fuck off massive building' that popped up overnight. 3- Ningguang already has an idea, but is very much tied down in who she can send without telling Morax and a divine to go get into a fight with Inazuma's own gods. You have forgotten two other slight details though my friend... The endless winds that have carried Jake and Keqing through the air and who is watching the winds and storms. And the land who heard about Jake making massive mechs and wanting some of that bullshit as well to deal with the worst of the abyssal invasions.


Inazuma is about to become the battleground for the next Ragnarök... Hmm you know I read a another Genshin fic that made some compelling points about how 'The Winds' reputation as the weakest is bullshit propaganda he made himself and how he probably matches if not surpasses the "War God": The War God may have raised a thousand mountains (and subsequently slammed them down on people) but the former shaved and sculpted and area equal to a continent down from a mountain range to plains and lakes with fine toothed precision... while throwing mountain peaks into the ocean to make islands...


Bullying Miko gives me life. Thanks for the chapter.


Should have Jake regularly 'check' a certain area in the factory and claim he is just checking up on his escape plan when asked. It can be the distraction for his actual escape and give it some sound effects and cool lights.