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Despite this being very much a feudal world, there were still somewhat modern amenities as the castle had a heated water tank under it allowing for the people within the castle to take short heated showers and baths.

Either way, Sirius brought my food and such without issue along with getting me some more comfortable local outfits that I could sleep in, travel in, meet the princess, and among other things.

With that, I went to sleep without too much of an issue as the bed was thankfully a high-quality one that was the result of seemingly an entire cotton field being stuffed into it. 

However, the morning came all too early with Sirius gently shaking my awake. "My lord, lady Pendragon has requested your august presence." She spoke quietly and soothingly.

I blinked as I stared at the silver-haired maid who was sitting beside me on the bed to gently awaken me. "Hmm... What does she want?" I muttered as I stretched slightly under the blankets and stared listlessly at the ceiling above me.

Sirius took a breath and said quietly. "Lady Pendragon said that she is waiting for you to be ready for a routine road inspection to look for monsters with a host of her knights." 

I blinked before I raised an eyebrow and said with a wry smile. "What's the chance that she wants to take me out of the city to kill me for humiliating her in front of the princess?" I asked rhetorically.

Sirius was quiet for a moment and then she said with some humor. "Seeing as the Princess was the one who ordered you to be taken on this patrol. It's very unlikely my lord." 

I looked away from the ceiling towards Sirius and my eyes were drawn to her large breasts that were very much on display in her lewd perverted maid outfit. And Sirius continued on not noticing or caring about my gaze.

"You are expected to be ready for the patrol in half an hour my lord. So I must dress you in riding leathers and make sure you have a good meal as you will not be wanting rations I assume?" Sirius said as she elegantly stood up from the bed.

I grunted in agreement and got up with a groaning stretch that turned into a slight yelp as Sirius took my invitation as I had lifted up my arms to pull my shirt up off my body.

And with little care, she began untying my pants even as my morning erection tented in front of her face. As she kneeled to pull my sleeping pants down past my feet.

"Will you prefer me to deal with that, my lord?" Sirius asked calmly as she stood up and I noticed how at the desk at the end of my bed was a bag with the riding clothes that she got me yesterday.

I raised an eyebrow before I smiled wryly and said with a calm smile. "No, I appreciate the offer Sirius. But I prefer not to be in a rush for this kind of thing."

The silver-haired maid simply nodded and said calmly. "I am at your disposal and use my lord. Would you prefer a heavier filling dinner when you return or something light?" 

The sudden shift of her asking what I wanted for dinner after a hard day's work made my lips twitch but I just replied. "Uhh, probably a nice filling meal. I am not looking forward to rations and such."

With that, Sirius was quiet as she helped strap on the riding outfit that had some padded leggings so I could ride a horse more comfortably along with a padded leather jacket that went over some chainmail that covered my neck and upper body.

"You being the sole male in Lady Pendragon's personal knight squadron will attract the attention of any monsters and they will try to slay you first." Sirius warning me and my lips twitched at that little tidbit.

But after getting dressed Sirius showed off how she was the perfect maid in showing me the water skin, and some padded sandwich that would serve as my lunch and as she gave me an egg and ham sandwich for breakfast along with the rest of my gear.

Walking out of my personal quarter's I made my way with Sirius's guidance down to the base floor to the arena and staging ground where I fought Artoria yesterday and I saw her in her previous get-up standing in front of a group of fifteen 'knights'

And by knight's, I meant all women in hentai knight armor that only covered their genitals at best, along with frilly skirts that didn't cover shit and some literally wearing capes.

'I am fucking doomed!' I thought with horror as Artoria with entirely too much poise for a woman wearing a lewd leotard spoke proudly. "You finally deign to join us I see!" 

And my face hardened as I saw several knights looking at me in annoyance as they shifted slightly. 'Did this bitch order her knights to just stand around to make them get a bad impression of me?' I thought with annoyance.

"I was just awoken not even fifteen minutes ago to go on this patrol with no warning. I am however proud to see all of your knights well prepared for this." I said with sarcasm that flew over Artoria's head like the countless male knights and guards staring at her tits from the windows and such and her not noticing it.

But Artoria did notice the fifteen minutes ago bit and she went to say something before she looked up at the balcony where the princess watched the duel yesterday and swallowed any words with her saying. "Well, at least you deigned to awaken! Are you experienced in riding a horse though Viscount?" 

I gave a wry smile and said calmly. "No, I have only rode upon a horse once." 

Artoria gave me a look of smug pride before she paused and said with some annoyance. "Fine, you shall ride upon my warhorse with me. I refuse to allow you to kill yourself as you ride alone."

I had to take a bit of a breath so I didn't snap at the uppity little hentai knight but I had an evil idea so I just put on a natural smile and said with kindness. "I appreciate your care then Lady Pendragon," I said making her smug smile pinch at the reminder that socially I was above her.

She clapped her hands and said. "Now! We will be riding towards the town of Anarchia which is a day away before resupplying and making our way back. On the journey, we will also be slaying any and all monsters we run across... Is there any questions!"

The other lewd female knights in unison shouted. "No!" With Artoria thankfully not looking towards me to start more shit. Instead, she waved me over.

"Come, I will need to put a large saddle upon my horse Llamrei to fit us both." She explained as she led me into a storage area of the castle filled with lower-end weapons and armor and then past that we left the castle and went down a path to the stables so that the smell of the horses obviously didn't reach the castle.

Artoria was quiet until we reached her horse Llamrei and I took in the fucking massive female horse with some trepidation as it truly was a marvel. "The other knights will be here in a couple of minutes so let's get it out of the way... I don't like you Jake Bariss." Artoria said bluntly.

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow and demanded equally flatly. "Why? I have done nor said anything to insult you beyond responding to your own jabs."

Artoria nodded accepting my words as true, but she responded all the same. "I cannot help but feel humiliated how you defeated me with not a minute of combat training using your fel magics." 

I gave Artoria a dull look before I spoke slowly. "You... You literally demanded me to fight you, and I fought you more than fairly as I gave you a second chance." 

Artoria shrugged and said helplessly. "And yet despite my years of training, of blood, sweat, and tears. You defeated and humiliated me with the ease in which you did so." 

I just stared at her for a long moment and she finished tying on the larger saddle onto the massive horse Llamrei and I finally said with a chuckle of just exasperated annoyance that had become humor-filled due to how fucking stupid it was.

" Hahaha No... I refuse to listen to this petty bullshit in fact." I stated and she turned around with a frown at my words and before she could react.

I controlled the ground to flick her into the air to remove her weight so I could grab her by the neck and slam her into the wall of her personal stable room well out of the way of her horse so she couldn't get in the way.

Artoria's hand weakly gripped my hand around her neck and her other hand went to my chest to push me away from her... But her push was fucking weak.

She had some kind of rip-off of touki or life force enhancement bullshit that could shatter stones. And allow her to swing her sword so hard she could create wind blades or some nonsense to cut things at a distance.

Even without that life force enhancement, she was very much stronger than me. She had been training for literally most of her life in this fantasy world to combat monsters that would happily force themself on her.

But... Now she couldn't break the grip of my half-strength hand that was more resting on her neck than anything.

"You fucking bitch. I am trying to work with you, and you just want to make things complicated don't you!" I snapped into her face and I saw the slut literally bite her lip at how I got into her face.

"Let go of me you wretch." She spat weakly and something drew my vision downwards, and I saw her nipples tenting her tight-fitting leotard's top and a literal teardrop of feminine juices falling down one of her legs.

I couldn't help an exasperated laugh of derision. "Useless slut, you are literally getting off on me barely choking you... God's I am utterly screwed the moment an orc cock comes into your view aren't I?" 

She flushed and I saw her legs twitch at my humiliating words and before it could escalate any further we heard the voices of her fifteen hentai female knights making their way towards the stables so in a pique of fucking annoyance.

I squeezed her throat again making her moan be strangled as my other hand mauled one of her fat breasts. "Get the fuck on the horse you useless bitch. I don't want your knights to see how hopeless you are."

Artoria after I let go of her throat had one of her hands come to her throat to hold it... But I wanted to just scream as she bit her lips as her other hand went to her crotch to cup her covered womanhood.

But it seems my glare seemingly woke the instant loss heroine up as she hurriedly climbed onto her horse without a word and I climbed onto her horse Llamrei... However, there was just one slight issue.

That sexually charged scene had me all wound up even if I wasn't as hopeless as Artoria was. And she froze as my erection fit like a fucking hotdog in a bun between the plush cheeks of her ass as she adjusted herself to ride with us both on the war horse.

"Get... Get it-"

She started but I just said flatly into her ear quietly. "Just... Shut up, this is your fault. Quit fucking leaning against me and it will go away in time."

But Artoria just cemented my opinion of her being a hentai knight as she just froze up and didn't scoot up in her saddle or something. So I just held her waist with my hands not in a weird way to me at least as Artoria mindlessly got her horse Llamrei to move out of its stable.

Artoria's voice was a bit pinched obviously. But she managed to squeeze out. "Knights of the Rose Order we ride to Anarchia!" 

Her horse began trotting down the road towards the exit of the keep and towards the back entrance of the walls surrounding the kingdom of Ur, and all the while. While her fat ass was bouncing on my lap with each damned step her horse took.

"So are you going to scoot forward, or are you just going to continue bouncing in my lap?" I asked dryly as we were riding at the front of the line of horses so we were well out of view of the line of horses behind us.

There was a moment of silence broken only by the sounds of her horse's hoofs upon the stone-paved roads before she broke it.

"You move back further." She snapped back.

I literally couldn't move any further back and I said as much when I retorted. "I am against the back ridge of this two-seater harness. Get your bouncy ass off my dick you stupid slut knight." 

I could fucking hear her snort and her voice came back with pride of all things. "You know what... I think I am good here. I prefer you being uncomfortable with how you tried to choke me earlier." 

My lips twitched as I took a deep inward breath. "Why can't you not infuriate me... Why are you being so damned difficult?" I asked in succession that was pure exasperation.

And Artoria without a fucking lick of shame said calmly. "You seemed to enjoy making me uncomfortable, putting me in my so-called place. And lording your fel magic over me like in the stable."

I was silent for a moment before I said flatly. "The only magic I used in the stable was to get you off the ground so I could slam you into the wall... You are just a slut who gets off being choked like a bitch." 

And Artoria sniffed and said snippily. "Hmph, spread your lies as you will Jake Bariss. I see through you, and even if you have fallen for the Princesses innate beauty. I see your inner evil magic twisted nature!"

I was silent for a long moment as I came to a powerful realization. 'This bitch is utterly delusional!'

"I literally just can't with you." I said just done with her. And Artoria squeaked as I pushed her forward in the saddle uncaring as the horse startled a bit at the abrupt shift of weight.

And with that I carefully shifted in the fucking saddle so I could sit cross-legged sorta which prevented Artoria from being her stupid ass self and making me want to stab her... Or give her a titty twister.

I wasn't sure what I wanted to do more right now. I just knew Artoria was making me fucking heated, and not in just the horny way.

The ride outside of the Kingdom of Ur went without incident with Artoria's knightly order being apparently well respected by the guards... Or more likely the more ragged base guards were to busy eyefucking the hentai knights to bother to check Artoria's seal before sending us off

 The outside terrain of the Kingdom of Ur's walled in city was thick old forests as far as the eye's could see. And we rode upon a decently paved road that was similar to roman in design perhaps with smooth rocks between some kind of concrete that bound the rocks together.

'Hmm, despite this world being stuck in the Feudal era. It still has made some progress and isn't totally locked in the old times.' I thought more calmly as with Artoria having a barrier between us.

I was finally able to think clearly and not having to be irratated with her. But not too long into riding through the primal forest with tree's that blocked the sun above our heads. Artoria spoke up again.

"The sounds of our horses are loud, be wary of ambushes coming from the forest around us." She spoke seriously.

"Will do." I said firmly as I more seriously began scanning through the treeline surrounding the road. And I was thankful that with how primal the forest was. The grounds outside the road was mostly bare, with naught but dead leaves from the centuries old massive tree's that made up the forest.

And with how large and thick their the tree canopies were. That also meant that there wasn't much brush at all even within the forest itself. Our line of sight into othe forest was only broken apart by the tree's themselves basicaly.

Our prosession continued without a word being shared between Artoria and I... As I really had no idea what to say to her frankly. And she was still simmering in her disdain of my 'magic' and how I had humilated her apprarently.

But then a series of heavy drums rang out!

A loud 'Thoom Thoom Thoom!" Rang out in measured beats that rang out throughout the forest. 

Artoria instantly drew her sword from her sheath at her side and yelled out. "Orcs! Ready yourselves!" 

And my face twitched as she climbed OFF her fucking massive horse along with the rest of her knights doing the same as the drum beats drew closer. "Why aren't you using your horse? Are you afraid of hitting a tree or having her trip over a root or something?" I asked in confusion.

Artoria looked at me like I was fucking retarded and said slowly like I was an underdevloped child. "What no? We don't want the orcs to kill our horses obviously." 

I just stared at her... Then the armor pieces covering her giant ass draft horse that had the sleek muscles and form of a warhorse and I looked back to Artoria. "You... I just can't even." I muttered shaking my head as the drums came all the closer with the beat's making my body vibrate.

One of Artoria's hentai knights yelled out hurriedly! "There my lady! The Orc's approach from the northeast!" I followed the armored pointing finger towards the forest she was pointing at.

And I held in a grimace at the abominations that were drawing closer to us. Loud footfalls filled the air as fifty... Maybe even more Orcs all wielding large melee weapons and followed by even smaller goblins well behind them charged at the all-female knight group.

"Ladies of the Order of the Rose! Brace yourself!" Artoria called out with her knights forming a line with them all holding their long and greatswords ahead of themselves as they waited like a fucking spear line to face a charging horde of a Orc's that were all at least ten feet tall naked muscular giants.

"Bitch meat!!!" The Orc chief roared with glee as he broke out from behind the other orcs to the front and I saw how he was easily like twelve, maybe even thirteen feet tall as I barely came up to his waist with his massive cock literally being the fucking length of my chest.

With that Orc chief made a beeline directly towards Artoria with all the subtly of what he wanted as a Semi-Truck horn.

'Fifty orcs and more than twice that in goblins versus... Fifteen hentai knights. I know exactly how this battle is supposed to go.' I thought before I pulled at my essence as an elementalist to control the ground in front of the braced knights.

And I made a giant ditch below the ground a mere two meters deep but four meters wide so as the orcs charged towards the braced knights...

Loud roars of estatic lust turned into screams of surprise as the orcs in the front rushing horde tripped and fell face first into the ditch as they broke the dirt covering I left atop the hollow ditch.

The leading Orc however... He smashed into the ditch so hard that he just rolled out of it on the other side with how great his stride was and then he fell upon Artoria with his massive wooden club that had fel green runes upon it meeting her silver aura enhanced sword with a loud crashing noise.

The other knights see the opportunity I offered stepped forward with feminine shouts as they slashed their swords and great swords into the upper bodies of the all but nude orcs who had a loin cloth on at best.

Meanwhile, I took a bookmark from Destiny's handbook as I envisioned a large spiked hammer of flames in my hands and I compressed the flames to a white-hot heat that I brought down onto a goblins chest with a roar.

The solid hammer of super heated flames all but sand blasted the flesh and bone from the goblin and I scowled as the Orc chief yelled out happily. "Gobbo's kill the male, he isn't even pretty!"

The gaze of dozens of goblins turned to me and I dismissed the fire hammer as the goblins charged me with the desire to overpower me with sheer numbers. 'Embrace the storm Jake... I am literally every element, and every elemental phenomenon.' I told myself.

A loud crackle rang out from my body as I decided to see how far my powers really went. I drew upon the concept of lightning within myself, but envisioning how I could much more easily turn myself into water.

I wanted to turn myself into something much more exciting. 

A loud crack of lightning rang out as a goblin got too close to me and for a moment I shimmered in place as my body turned immaterial as I became a living lightning bolt. And in that split moment, I created a charge inside the middle of the charging goblins and then in a fraction of a second.

Me, the human lightning bolt slammed through everything as I aimed for the negative charge with my form exploding violently in crackling lightning that fried, blinded, and deafened the nearby goblins making them scream.

'Turning myself into states of matter that isn't solid or even liquid is extremely difficult.' I thought as I could feel the mental strain it took to put myself back together.

Before I could properly get back to slaying the goblins however... I heard it.

"No! Get that away from-" And a choked gargle rang out perfectly clear over the battlefield, as one of the hentai knights was forced to choke on orc as they got overwhelmed by three orcs.

I summoned up a wall of earth spikes around me on a wall that surrounded me as the goblins still closed in on me in their lesser numbers. Thinking I had tired myself out. But in reality, I just waited for them to get closer before the spike-covered walls that surrounded me shot off into the crowds of goblins.

'I fucking knew these knights were useless.' I thought spitefully as I created a blade of solid wind that was invisible and allowing me to cut through the goblins as I ran to help the knights that were being quickly overwhelmed.

A pillar of earth from below me shot me upwards allowing me to stab an orc directly in the skull with the giant wind blade I made destroying his head as he was too focused skull fucking the hentai knight into the dirt to pay attention to me.

Seeing another three orc's making a knight 'airtight' I pointed at them and created hardened large bolts of stone that shot forward and slammed home into their heads as they were all but immobile making them easy targets as they were more focused on the knight below them.

"Get away from me! Get away!" I heard Artoria scream and I looked over to see her sword was knocked out of her hands with the Orc chief with all its attention on Artoria as during the battle. Her leotard's top half had been torn apart exposing her large bouncing breasts that swayed with Artoria's screams.

I spun around in a circle as I expelled a jet of bright flames that burned a blue heat that burned the remaining goblins into realizing I was entirely too much trouble.

With that, I quickly made my way toward the orc chief, and it... Was also completely lost in the delight that was soft feminine flesh as it had Artoria's body in one hand and was trying to line up to start the deed.

But then a massive fucking rock shot at high speed slammed into its skull with a loud cracking noise with blood splattering as it head literally exploded. 

And that seemingly woke up the rest of the orcs as they realized their big angry and also 'BIG' orc chief had its head introduced to getting smashed by a catapult-sized rock.

"Runnn! The Humie kills too good!" One of the orcs roared though more screamed running away as I had already started conjuring up sharp bolts of stone to launch at the now fleeing Orcs and few surviving goblins.

I shot the bolts after the orcs and made sure to snag the orcs who had decided to run off with a captured knight and I had to carry the now naked but thankfully untainted knight who was shuddering in shock at being carried off.

There was a long moment of almost silence as the knights came together and tried... And failed very hard in trying to scrap some clothes together to cover up their genitals. Before I took a breath and I took off my jacket and shirt.

"Alright, let's cut up my jacket and shirt. With that, you girls can make some strips to cover up your chests and you can use your blankets to cover up your lower halves as we ride back to resupply." I spoke up.

Artoria grimaced at my words and she puffed up before deflating... Then she built up steam in indignation."No! We can get new shirts in the town of Anarchia. We will not turn back in disgrace at a mere trifle of our clothes being torn apart!" 

I gave her a long look... Then I looked at her knights, and then I stepped forward and asked her quietly out of hearing of her knights who were already happily cannibalizing my shirt and jacket. 

"Do you honestly think your knights have their heads on right? More than one of them are literally draining all their fellow knight's canteens to wash out their mouths and their body." I stated and that got to Artoria as she gazed at her knights past me.

There was a long moment of silence as Artoria looked between me and her knights... Before one of the knights said quietly as she came up to us. "My lady, I helped make a binding for your chest." 

And the knight handed over a band of cloth to Artoria who gave me a look before she took the binding and turned around with her saying firmly. "Sisters of the Rose Order, are we going to turn back!?"

The majority of the knights yelled out firmly. "No!" 

And at that moment, I knew I was fucking screwed.

"Order of the Rose! Get back on your horses! We make for Anarchia as planned!" Artoria roared out before she clapped her hands together bringing her horse over.


Keeley Doolan

I can just see Jake pulling his hair out from frustration being the only competent one

krane 97

Jack must do what is necessary and mind break them before the enemies so that they fall to temptation when the time come.


Well, at the very least one female knight can effectively use a form of 'crowd control' to distract up to three orcs at once.


Poor Jake, having to deal with this shit.


Though I do wonder how long it will take before he snaps and dicks someone down in a fury of frustration.


Lmfao, the instant loss knights carry on! Jake has to deal with the delusions and willful ignorances of the women of this world as his greatest challenge.

Douglas Karr

When Jake gets back he needs to read the princess the riot act, this is completely unacceptable for a supposedly elite unit.


Yeah, these women need correction… and counseling but therapy doesn’t exist and if it did it’d be Hypnotherapy. Which wouldn’t do anything but cause more problems because hypnosis and hentailand… well it’s obvious

Dat Man

....................i am convinced as long its a hentai world u whip out ur Panis and slap said hentai knights in the face and choke em a bit they will literally go into slutty heat


Jake just needs to come up with chain lightning and then spam the hell out of it every time they get ambushed so the knights can't cone into close contact with anything. Then once back in the castle make some golems or something to take the knights place. Lol tftc

Douglas Karr

Yeah, he needs to put them all through boot camp, break them but not in a sexual way, you got energy to argue. . . .sounds like you've got energy to run more laps

Slayer 10321

Lol. Jake is the only competent one. He is so royally fucked that it's not even funny. I really hope that he doesn't catch any feelings for any of the natives like Artoria, because that's just asking, no, begging for him to get cucked when another instant-loss situation occurs and he's not around to stop it.


Omg that world seriously need to get their logic set right.


Jake is gonna get screwed by allies instead of enemies at this rate..

Rolando Mejia

Jake is just gonna have to put on his big boy wiener and slap some sense into them…. With his peener


I have a question, can Jake learn other branches of magic? Like alchemy and such?


And also for some reason artoria reminds me of Lalatina/ Darkness from konosuba

Hmm is it time

I would literally just say nope go somewhere remote away from everyone master my powers then burn the world to ash and if I feel like it keep a cute girl or two in a magic room or artifact that only I can access so the stupid slots couldn't ntr me like the brain less, will less, f toys thay are. Thanks for the chapter looking forward to more.

darien page

So what this tells me is that he will have a lot harder if a time with more esoteric elements until he becomes stronger and gains further mastery of his powers. This bodes poorly with how the knights were given such a massive advantage in battle and still almost immediately lost. He definitely can't trust or rely on anyone since all the guys are either creeps or simps and the women are just hentai bait


I think this level of stupidity is some sort of universal law (hentie logic.) so he'll have to become God to change any of that lol


Poor Jake has so much work ahead of himself in this world of Darkness inspired idiots.

Rauko the varment

Omg, there is 'darkness' everywhere🤣🤣🤣, TFTC!


Artoria is a disgrace to the name and I don't know what he can do if force doesn't even work to teach these "natives" common sense.


He needs to embrace the he tai logic if he wants to properly be heard by them sluts really need to fuck sense into them for them to probably have some semblance of a bit of not completely hentai logic, aza gonna write himself into a corner on this one


I would reccomend Jake becoming a fucking monk for the entirety of his time here just keep from murdering or mindbreaking Artoria the disgrace

andrew rousseau

Honestly, the writing is good but the sheer stupidity of the knights and complete lack of actual armor is making it hard to wanna read the story, would rather see jaketurn the 'knights' into actually armored and effective knights anyway thanks for writing but looking forward to more evolution or bus


Mechanical question, how literal is Jake allowed to be when deciding what an 'element is? Could he use his lightning to speed up then transform into the element Tungsten to become a high speed cannonball or is that too close to the Quasar powers that he has in Milky Dungeon?


Yeah more along the lines of turning into 'metal, lightning, fire, water, stone, etc' He can get specific but its much harder

Chris Sun

Lmao, time for Jake to do some correction, Asanagi style


Dude love the story and I hopefully jake can some how beat some sense into these women.


Calling it now he's going to get so feed up eith all of this and pull a S so Abridged Kayaba and say fuck all of your im going to rule you all myself seeing as you cant take two steps without putting yourself in a dumb situation. That ore he says f you i'm out and leaves.