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She who rides apparently... Also a goddess technically, though being a Servant she doesn't trigger the MC's murder boner for gods thankfully!



Goddess of Victory

"Also a goddess technically" Rather than technically, it would more accurate to say almost barely a goddess (for this version of her). Her divinity is so weak, she isn't even classified as a divine spirit. She has "Divinity E-" (lowest possible) as opposed to her lily form which has "Core of the Goddess A" or her sisters with "Core of the Goddess EX". This is her after no longer being a goddess, what little divinity she does have is more likely due to Athena's curse than from her own origins.

Goddess of Victory

"She who rides apparently" The rider class is only made of riders in exactly the same way that "the archer class is really made up of archers". There are none-rider class servants with a higher level riding skill than hers, despite being the second highest possible at "Riding A+". The only thing that is remotely relevant to the class with her fighting style is her Noble Phantasm.