Maiden of Milk: Clarabelle Update 22 (Patreon)
Hey everyone! It's that time of the month again
Lots of new art and 4 new characters events
Clarabelle - You take her somewhere to cheer her up ... the cashier is hot.
Elizabeth - She wants you to drive her somewhere ...
Cornelia - You can't believe she canceled your game night !
Mahi - She has some old clothes ...
It would be good to explain the 3 events types!
Character Events
The normal events you've grown quite used to in the game! Usually focuses on one girl
Growth Events
Can happen any time to a character during a character event! These permanently alter the appearance of one of girls. Usually it is correlated to the mood of the character, but some characters have other conditions ...
Repeatable Events
Events you can do over and over ! Usually raises mood by a little! These are still being fleshed out but when fully built out will correlate to the size of the girl.
Release Folder:
Please please report it here so I can start issuing bug fixes! I've already fixed a few that were mentioned in the comments.🪳🪳🪳
As always if you want to see this project grow please spread the word!
Next update I'll be adding character events as normal but also adding a few growth events.
NOTE: The art isn't quite finished, but the sketches were added, I'll put out version 22.5.0 with the finished art when done.