Kitty's Desperate Grind, part 2~! (Also combined~) (1080p animation release~!) (Patreon)
2024-04-15 21:03:30
She really couldn't wait for you to absolutely stuff her, couldn't she~?
Thank you all for your patience with this one~! I hope you like it~!!
I did a little bit of experimenting with this, I love how the lighting turned out, I also wanted some dynamic depth of field. On top of that, I added some motion blur (post processing) and I think it looks pretty natural, I like how it turned out a lot~!
Here's part 2 by itself~!
Part 2 Download
and here's full combined animation~!
Combined Download
Sound is coming soon, Lami has been very busy~!
Once sound is released, I'll be releasing it only as the combined version, but if people want the loops by themselves I can try to release them separately, as well~!
Kitty modeled by Zy0n7~!