What's up War Walkers ? (Patreon)
Hello everyone, this is Le Ted!
This is my first official Patreon ticket! ( a little late because of a small family weekend)
It's time to introduce myself in a few lines. I am a freelance illustrator. Initially, I drew a lot of fanart around comic books, manga, video games etc...
A few months back, shortly before the pandemic, I wanted to get into NSFW content. It's a project I had for a long time. It was just at that moment that I met my new partner Mirrodin.
Working on Warfu is a constant challenge and pleasure. I had never launched such a project before. I do it outside of my full time job, which requires a certain amount of organization, which is still a bit chaotic XD.
If you want to follow my personal work, you can take a look at my Twitter page on this link.
Concerning Warfu, after a small meeting over a beer, we were able to determine a guideline for the next updates. We are planning a graphical redesign of the game around the menus. We want to clarify your experience and make the game more visually appealing.
New characters are of course still planned and new scenes will be added for those ladies already present. We will of course keep you informed but to tease you a little bit, we can already say that the next challenger is hard to get wet without restraint. Any ideas?
I leave you with a little piece of sketch that was used for the new scene in our new update. I hope it will make you want to see more in game ;)
Take care of yourself and your loved ones ! More than ever, we thank you for your support.
See you soon!
EDIT : Hey it's mirrodin, I just deleted the porn pic about the game, can't do this in public news ^^ Update soon <3