Weekly News Dec 8 2020 : FFM scene (Patreon)
Hi guys,
Thug life
Hope all of you are well. Mirrodin's here, and all are fucking well. Confinment, no more job contract, can't change home... But, in this mervellous world, Ted did another great job with the illustration.
The game
For (before) christmas, guys, you will have a new update with 2 new scene, and in this 2 new scene where will be the first multi-char (lets call it a FFM) but with who ? You can try answering.
The code
There is still some shit with the code when you loose the fight but I'm working on it, and we have a new teammate wich provide some good music for the game !
The money
Don't forget you can now directly impact the game with the balrog tiers, choose yourself a new char wich suit you or a new scene you want in the game.
For the rest, we work on our free time.
So let's say there are some excellents news for WARFU.
Happy december