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Hey wonderful supporters and friends. I have a new video update showing some new features recently added to Foundry VTT. This video dives into Placeable Tiles and Measurement Templates which are new tools that give extra flexibility for creating immersive environments and executing effective combat encounters.  

For those of you who have been following or testing Foundry VTT closely, this will likely not be new for you, but these videos are part of an ongoing series keeping the community informed and up-to-date on the development progress of Foundry Virtual Tabletop.

I hope these videos provide an opportunity to continue spreading the word about this project and introducing it to the tabletop RPG community. If you would consider sharing this video with any friends or communities it is greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone!


Foundry Virtual Tabletop - Tiles and Templates

This video is part of an ongoing series of video updates keeping the community informed and up-to-date on the development progress of Foundry Virtual Tabletop. This video dives into Placeable Tiles and Measurement Templates which are new tools that give extra flexibility for creating immersive environments and executing effective combat encounters. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Links and Resources ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Website: http://foundryvtt.com Patreon: https://patreon.com/foundryvtt Twitter: https://twitter.com/foundrynet ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attributions and Thanks ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dynamic Dungeons: https://www.patreon.com/dynamicdungeons Build Your Own Docks & Coastlines: https://marketplace.roll20.net/browse/set/1430/build-your-own-docks-and-coastlines Adventure Begins by Whitesand: https://goo.gl/Hqif2c Thunderbird by Incompetech: https://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/collections.php


Franck Florentin

Wow, the inclusion of Dynamic maps is a great addition! is there plan to add also support for an "effect overlay" on either static or dynamic maps? by that I mean animated snow, rain, fog, fire, etc effect that could be added as an overlay on any map. I know DMGE and Win DD a(two other Patreon projects to display Dynamic maps) already spport this, but having that on Foundry VTT would be pretty incredible when combined with all the other features.


Yes! Definitely! I have plans to work on weather effects for a future version which can be included as a map overlay. Not sure on timeline but I definitely want to do this!

Cze and Peku

This looks really awesome, great to see a new VTT out there trying new things.