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Greetings friends and supporters! I'm sharing another Foundry Virtual Tabletop Beta update a bit ahead of schedule. This new version, 0.2.7, is being released now to address a number of bugs which emerged in the previous version that were not caught. Rather than waiting a normal update cycle (10-14 days) to post an update that fixes these bugs I wanted to address as many as possible and post this update right away.

With this update completed, I'll work on accomplishing a more meaningful feature update with 0.2.8 which I will try to release by the end of April. Thanks to all the testers who highlighted some of the problems in the previous update version. Furthermore, since this update is heavily focused on resolving problematic bugs, this update will not have an early-release period for Council-tier Patrons but rather is immediately available for all Patrons.

Read the full update notes here:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/26186528 

Download Instructions

There are two ways to download the new version.

1. Use the Auto-Updater (Preferred) 

The new preferred update option is to use the auto-updater functionality built into the FVTT application. To use the Auto-Updater, click the "Update Softare" button on the Settings panel (question mark icon) of the sidebar.On the update page, use the following key to access the update: 027-lk32v91ml065

Please do not share the download links or this access key in order to protect the privilege of your patronage!

2. Full Download Links (Fallback)

Windows: https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/foundryvtt/releases/027-lk32v91ml065/foundryvtt-0.2.7-win-x64.zip

Linux: https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/foundryvtt/releases/027-lk32v91ml065/foundryvtt-0.2.7-linux-x64.zip

Mac: Download Linux version and run using node.js directly (for now)!  


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