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 Greetings friends. I'm proud to share a new Foundry Virtual Tabletop  beta update. This update has some major and substantial updates to core  systems and software - focusing on improving the stability and  consistency of key systems. The biggest improvement in this update is  the new redesigned Configuration and Setup experience which gives a  centralized management panel for Systems, Modules, Worlds, and core VTT  software updates. The experience for installing and updating new  community content has never been easier. In addition to this major new  feature, there are a ton of quality of life improvements and bug fixes  designed to smooth out some of the rough edges introduced in previous  updates.  

Please read the full 0.3.6 Update Notes here:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/29852780 


There are two ways to download the new version.  Please do not share the download links or this access key in order to protect the privilege of your patronage!

1. Use the Auto-Updater (Preferred): To use the Auto-Updater, click the "Update Softare" button on the Settings panel (question mark icon) of the sidebar. On the update page, use the following key to access the update: 036-ldf90234k65m

2. Full Download Links

Windows: https://foundryvtt.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/releases/036-ldf90234k65m/FoundryVirtualTabletop-win32-x64.zip

Linux: https://foundryvtt.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/releases/036-ldf90234k65m/FoundryVirtualTabletop-linux-x64.zip

Mac: Run Linux version using Node.js directly (for now) 


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