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Happy holidays everyone - I hope you enjoy this development video update I have put together which showcases some of the features that have been added to Foundry VTT over the past couple updates. For those of you who have been following the project very closely, this won't be very new, but I still hope you enjoy seeing a new video in the series.  

Please consider sharing this video with your friends and family who may be interested in the project, your community support and recommendations are incredibly valuable to me! Please consider sharing your feedback on YouTube if you feel inclined!

This video showcases some exciting new features that have been added to Foundry VTT in the past few months: module and system configuration tools, integrated audio/video chat, limited vision and light source angles, light source tinting, token targeting, rollable tables, and D&D system improvements! 

Links and Resources


Foundry Virtual Tabletop - 2019 Year-End Update

This video is part of an ongoing series of video updates keeping the community informed and up-to-date on the development progress of Foundry Virtual Tabletop. This video showcases some exciting new features that have been added to Foundry VTT in the past few months: module and system configuration tools, integrated audio/video chat, limited vision and light source angles, light source tinting, token targeting, rollable tables, and D&D system improvements! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Links and Resources ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Website: http://foundryvtt.com Patreon: https://patreon.com/foundryvtt Twitter: https://twitter.com/foundrynet Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/DDBZUDf Community Wiki: https://foundry-vtt-community.github.io/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attributions and Thanks ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artwork Caeora: https://www.patreon.com/caeora Stryxin: https://www.patreon.com/forgottenadventures Music Vindswept - "Frozen in Time": https://soundcloud.com/vindsvept Scott Buckley - "March of Midnight": https://www.scottbuckley.com.au Serpent Sound Studios - "Dungeons and Dragons": https://www.serpentsoundstudios.com/



Awesome video keep up the good work and merry Christmas.

Online Tabletop

Looks good! Im excited about the targetting system, i dont think ive seen something like that before in vtt's.


I'm excited to get one of my groups on here, since our Roll20 campaign will be wrapping soon. Keep up the good work! It is looking and sounding better and better with each update.


Thanks Cody, still loads to do but I'm excited by the progress that continues happening :)