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Greetings Patreon supporters and Beta testing community - and welcome to the release notes for Foundry Virtual Tabletop Beta 0.4.6. This is an "unstable" (even-numbered) release which adds many new features, API changes, and underlying software improvements. These changes are released to Council tier testers for preliminary testing and will be included in the Beta 0.4.7 stable release coming next week for all Beta tiers.

This update focuses upon improvements for Dice rolling with support for new nested expressions and dice pools, improvements to Token interaction, UI optimizations, and lots of API updates.

Please see the full update notes for this update here:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/33758225 

Full Download Links

Windows: https://foundryvtt.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/releases/046-98gf34k0001/FoundryVTT-0.4.6-Setup.exe

Linux: https://foundryvtt.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/releases/046-98gf34k0001/foundryvtt-0.4.6.zip

MacOS: https://foundryvtt.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/releases/046-98gf34k0001/FoundryVTT-0.4.6.dmg

Direct Update Key (from 0.4.x ONLY)

If (and only if) you were previously using version 0.4.0 or  later, you may update directly using the following update key: 046-98gf34k0001

Providing Feedback

The feedback cycle for these releases are very important. There are many large changes where I will be keenly paying attention to feedback to continue building upon this new framework. There are three ways to provide feedback which I have ordered according to my preference. 

1. Discord Channel. My preferred method to collect feedback is through our Discord server where I have created a dedicated channel for Beta 0.4.2 feedback. If you are able to join our Discord community it's the best way to engage with me directly for feedback.

2. GitLab Tracker. You are welcome to create issue reports directly in the GitLab tracker here ( https://gitlab.com/foundrynet/foundryvtt/issues ). If you choose to create issues in GitLab please take extra caution to check that your problem has not already been reported by checking other recently reported issues before creating a new report.

3. Direct Email. If the prior methods do not work for you, please feel free to email me directly with your feedback (admin@foundryvtt.com).

Thank you all so much for your support!


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