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Hello Patrons! I'm excited to share that user registration is now available on the official website at  https://foundryvtt.com/auth/register/ 

Registering a user account will be required in order to purchase the software so that the issued license can be linked and associated to your account identity. 

Important Note: In order to give Patreon supporters the first shot at securing their preferred user name, you will need to supply a User Registration Code to complete the process. Use the code ROLL_INITIATIVE to proceed with early Patreon registration. 

You will be able to link your account to Patreon, either right away during the registration process or later from your user profile page. Linking your account to Patreon will be required in order for you to claim your Patreon Discount on a software license purchase (more details on that are forthcoming).

To link your account with Patreon when you register, click the large Patreon button at the top of the registration form, shown below.

If you wait until after registration to link your Patreon account, you can do so by visiting your user profile (click your name in orange at the top-right after logging in). On the "Edit Profile" screen there is a section at the bottom to manage linked accounts.

If you have linked your Patreon account you will receive some exclusive profile badges which celebrate your contribution to the project during it's early development period.

Furthermore, the longer term vision for the official website includes growing to support some social features which can help with game formation and community networking. Please understand that expansions in that area will not be happening in the near term and will be prioritized in response to community demand and feedback.

Additional Notes

If you experience any difficulties with the reCAPTCHA verification (I'm using the new reCAPTCHA v3 which does not require a challenge+response) - try temporarily disabling any browser extensions which might obscure your browser user agent. If this becomes a persistent problem for people I will likely revert back to a reCAPTCHA v2 with an image-based challenge. 

If you have any feedback on the user registration or management workflows I would be happy to receive them. You can even help test out the website Contact Us form to submit your feedback:  https://foundryvtt.com/contact-us/


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