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Hi everyone I'm thrilled to release Foundry Virtual Tabletop Beta 0.5.6, a major update which is an "unstable" Alpha release for Council-tier Patreon supporters and Foundry license owners. 

This update includes a ton of major new features including a major overhaul of the File Browser with new display modes, drag-and-drop Tile placement, Folder creation, and path visibility controls. This update also includes substantial updates to the Tiles system as well as other Placeable Objects through a major refactoring of the drag-and-drop interaction workflows which unify their UX. Lastly, there are a lot of important and valuable API improvements which will make it easier to work with certain core concepts in the Foundry environment. 

Be sure to check out the full Beta 0.5.5 Update Notes here:  https://foundryvtt.com/releases/0.5.6 

Full Download Links

Windows: https://foundryvtt.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/releases/056-xj2k38dj4k7s/FoundryVTT-0.5.6-Setup.exe

Linux: https://foundryvtt.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/releases/056-xj2k38dj4k7s/foundryvtt-0.5.6.zip

MacOS: https://foundryvtt.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/releases/056-xj2k38dj4k7s/FoundryVTT-0.5.6.dmg

Direct Update and Temporary License Key

You may update directly using the following update key: 056-xj2k38dj4k7s

This same key is used as a (temporary) license key when prompted by the software.

NOTE: If you were previously using a version of Foundry Virtual Tabletop that predates 0.5.x, while you CAN update directly using this key I recommend that you uninstall and reinstall from scratch to obtain the latest Electron version.

Thank you all so much for your support!



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