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Thank you all so much for being part of our Patreon supporter community. Your continued support and encouragement means a great deal to our team. 

We hope you've enjoyed early access to Demon Queen Awakens as well as the regular updates to the battle map collection. We acknowledge that the pace of updates on Patreon has slowed beyond what we want to provide for members. Our team has been working on some plans for new ways to routinely engage with the Patreon community, an effort which will be starting this month!

We have reached an opportunity for us to reward you for your support by offering you the chance to guide development of Foundry Virtual Tabletop version 11. Only Patreon members are allowed to vote in this poll.

Unlike past Patreon votes, instead of putting all of the details about the vote in this (private) post, we have instead shared all the details about the vote on our website:


Please read over that article, and then cast your vote from the options provided below. If this is your first time voting in the Prioritization Vote, here's how it works - presented below are 8 options, along with some info on what they would entail. The winning feature will be one of the things we deliver in V11.

The choices are listed alphabetically below. Details about what each would entail are provided in the article linked above. Please pick the one feature that you would be most excited to see added to Foundry Virtual Tabletop in Version 11.

This poll will remain open until Friday, October 28 at 11:59pm Eastern Time.

We encourage all of you to join the discussion about this vote and share your thoughts in the comment section of this poll or in the #v11-patreon-vote channel of our official Discord server (https://discord.gg/foundryvtt).


Chris Hackett

I would love to see improved drawing tools. Hitting configure to select my color with each stroke slows down the play.


Is it going to be technically possible to "pop out" modules for the GM/Host

Michael Petryk

These are all great ideas. As a DM managing multiple different campaigns the thing which will most help me to retain my sanity is even more improvements to compendia to allow sharing across games on my server (I have My Shared Compendia installed) and sharing with other content creators. Thanks!

Oliver Warlow

Keen for touch/tablet support. In particular I'd love the player to be able to preemptively select "Disable game canvas" so they can actually get into the game on a phone long enough to turn it off. After that the sheets tend to run fine, but having the canvas going chucks them out after a few seconds, have been working around this with modules to remotely force client settings until now. Some excellent options there all around though!


I'm interaction and ergonomist designer, i use this platform a few years and i have some observations to notice.


While all of these improvements would be welcome, touch/tablet support would be on the top of my list, unless the standalone client is Mac/Windows as well as Android/iOS tablets. This is one of my primary issues with most vtts though, since many of my player/dm friends predominantly use tablets for their daily use.

Cody Swendrowski

The standalone player client would in fact only be useful on Mac / Windows / Linux, it is not a mobile app

Gage Eakins

I voted for UX/UI focus as there is a lot of refinement that should be done. My next top priority would be the compendiums.

Briana Higgins

All are great ideas and many of these features I currently use mods to accomplish - it would be great to be able to make my mod count slightly less insane. :) To me the most important is the cross world compendium though, I use SO many compendium materials so I don't have to constantly retype the same data between my main games and one shots, since they all use 5e. That said, close runners-up for me that I'd also like to see first are Touch/Tablet support and player clients - both would make running in person games using Foundry a LOT easier.


I'm looking at the Event Triggers and Placeable objects. (if the Adventure improvements were not stretch goals, I'd go for compendium update) Placeable objects removes the annoyance of making characters to put interactive objects down.... BUT... Event triggers could (effectively) do that to a graphic placed on the scene - all while supporting other aspects of things like Traps and scripted events, teleporting, cut scenes, boss music cues etc etc etc. (Plus its (Triggers) have been on the list since beta)


A lot of these suggested ideas already exist as mods. Frankly, I'd consider it a waste of resources to reinvent the wheel, as opposed to just absorbing the mods. Like, there's already a Compendium Folders mod! It works great! So adding compendium folders for v11 just... reduces the # of addons by one with no other benefit.


I really hope that even if it doesn't win the vote, we'll eventually get the standalone player client. :O That seems like a fantastic idea!


So much goodness to pick from. But honestly- a good mobile/tablet support would be an incredible help getting our groups back together IRL post-covid. I would absolutely love having the opportunity to have my players at the table use their mobile devices as "remotes" to roll and move their chars while we all watch a shared map would be amazing <3

Joshua Fredrickson

Really hard choice because 4 of these are very important. I ended up going with Standalone Player client because Foundry is already better than Roll 20 and FGU but there are some technical hurdles to overcome that don't really exist in those other platforms. I've seen players and new DM's with no experience troubleshooting struggle time and time again in Reddit and anything we can do to make the transition more seemless helps build up the userbase.


I really hope the standalone client is prioritized. Lately one of my groups has been having trouble because the DM is the -only- one who can't load into Foundry. Everyone else can get logged in and loaded, but the DM sits on the grey screen of death, no matter what browser is used, clearing cache, rebooting the router, etc. Our last session ended up canceled because the DM couldn't get in. Standalone client please! <3

Nick Scott

Advanced Measured Templates and Event Triggers would save me the most time and effort as DM 🙂


I wouldn't agree that there is no benefit. Implementation in core is bound to more stable, more performant, seamless with the rest of core, and more extensible.

Aris Kallergis

Touch/Tablet support for sure. That way players can easily see their sheets when IRL playing, and the DM can easily have their updated stats/items. Players being able to move their tokens while everyone is watching on a big screen is also great. Honestly, this is desperately needed. More dm goodies can come in the next versions.

Matthew MacGibbon

Touch Tablet for sure. We get compendium stuff often, this allows us to use in person gaming and not just online. This in my opinion would be a massive game changer (I've been asking for it since 0.7x)

Other Games

I'd just like to take a moment and remind everyone that as with all of our prioritization polls-- These aren't "We will do one of these and never do the rest." These polls are all based on the premise of "Of this list, what would our patrons prefer we seek to do --FIRST--." This selection is a reflection of our internal list of things we'd like to work on. :)


I will still support Compendium Improvements. Yet for Foundrys growth I'd suggest to go with the table support as it will expose the VTT to many more people and scenarios.

Taylor Reid

Standalone client will make the biggest impact to increase adoption of Foundry by more players.

GM Scott

One of the things I love the most about Foundry is that the client is simply a web browser. The last thing I want is client-installed software. Not only is it a PITA to develop separately for Windows, MacOS, and Linux, they would also have to develop for Android and iPhone. And maintain them all. No thanks.

Steve Culshaw

Would dearly love to see touch/tablet support, as pretty much all my players have got a tablet. Even better if it would work on phones, because yes, they've all got smart phones :-)


Manual Fog of War is the only thing I need. But I'm obviously in a very small minority here.

Andrew Gover

As much as I think touch support would be great, I REALLY want Simple Fog of War! Based on the voting so far, it looks like that probably won't happen. :( I still can't upgrade to V10 because Simple Fog hasn't been updated yet.

Greg Warren Pola

Standalone Player Client is so important. All the numerous browser issues make Foundry seem fragile and look at all the support cases around them. By far the biggest frustration I and my group has are around these issues.


There are some other VTTs that have stand alone clients and/or mobile clients which makes it easier to have the rich functionality of Foundry while all hanging out on friday night one couple brings their windows laptops another brings their android or apple devices. Even if it's a shell that opens up the web gui


standalone client is still only planned to be a pre-configured browser - so most likely not available directly on android or iOS.

Zach H.

Voted for Touch/Tablet support with the assumption that it would work for iOS tablets and that eventually phone support could be further down the line. In addition, I hope that the described UI/UX fixes happen regardless. I would've voted for both of these options as I think they have the highest impact and would lower the barrier of entry for new tables to start using Foundry, especially those like me who play primarily in person but want access to more digital tools.


love CF mod, but it is not the best solution, it is just what we have to work with since compendiums were left alone at the beginning. Atropos has already stated that they would /not/ be adopting the same solution as CF, so hopefully whatever core functionality of it is much smoother. This is really needed for making packaging of modules that much simpler so as to not force another module dependency on people.

Gage Eakins

But the Standalone Player Client will just be an electron client. It will not have any better performance than the browser.

Gage Eakins

Yeah I really want the cross world compendium as well. You can force it to work but it is a real pain in the ass to have to mess with it. I chose UX/UI because it really needs attention. I hope they pick that one for their pick as it isn't doing to great in the vote lol.

GM Scott

I'll also add that I've been running in Foundry for over 2 years (60+ sessions) without a single browser-related issue. Of course, all my players either use Chrome or Firefox.

Michael Petryk

When running Foundry I have a 3-monitor setup. I use my personal computer as the Foundry server. I would so dearly love to be able to split my Foundry v10 journal onto another monitor without having to log into my server with an "observer" account via a web browser. Is it feasible to support pop-out windows on the machine which is acting as a Foundry server? Thanks!

Daniel Gallant

I voted for Compendium Improvements, but second the UI/UX Focus. I think it would go a long way to making Foundry more user friendly.


is this what you are trying to do? https://foundryvtt.com/packages/popout