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Hello wonderful Patreon community. Since the early days of this Patreon page I have promised that you would get access to a specialized made-for-Foundry game system that I've been working on for quite some time (since 2020 in fact).

The time has finally come and I'm happy to introduce you all to Crucible, an innovative and modern tabletop role-playing game system built exclusively for Foundry Virtual Tabletop as a digital platform. From the ground up, Crucible is designed to leverage the unique capabilities of Foundry VTT to provide gamemasters with a powerful toolset and effortless layers of automation, allowing gamemasters and players to focus on what matters most: telling a compelling story.

The central focus of Crucible is meaningful and varied character advancement through a class-less system with multiple pillars of character progression. Crucible's system and dice mechanics allow for crunchy and tactically rich encounters featuring combat, exploration, problem-solving, or social challenges.


The above video (long) is from a live stream where I showcaste a first look at the game system.

Patreon Exclusive Early Access

As a Hero or Legend tier Patreon supporter, you gain access to the first available playtest of the Crucible game system. To unlock access all you need to do is:

1. Ensure that your user account on the Foundry VTT Website is linked to Patreon.

2. Restart the Foundry Virtual Tabletop software so that your Patreon access will be registered.

3. Search for "crucible" under the Install Game System window on the Setup screen.

Please note that Crucible requires Foundry Virtual Tabletop version 11 and is not available for installation on any older version.


Crucible provides gamemasters and their players with deep and engaging gameplay systems, using the full capabilities of Foundry Virtual Tabletop, to offer a truly unique gameplay experience:

  • Guided "class-less" character-creation which emphasizes background and thematic choices
  • A "Bring Your Own Setting" experience for GMs, intended to allow Crucible to be used with any setting and story
  • A purpose-built approach to character skills with specialization options granting unique benefits
  • A unique, dynamic, spellcasting system
  • An expansive Talents system which encourages players to feel like their choices matter
  • Rules for dynamic generation of scalable NPCs, streamlined for GMs to create their own creatures very quickly
  • Best-in-class automation for nearly every aspect of the rules

Playtest One - The Ring of Valor

The Ring of Valor is a guided introduction to character development and combat mechanics in Crucible which places players in the role of a gladiatorial team facing a sequence of challenges in the Ring of Valor.

The Ring of Valor consists of six battles, one each day, during which the party faces increasingly dangerous opponents culminating in a final match against the reigning champions - the last group of heroes to overcome the arena. After each encounter, the party advances in level before facing their next test. Each battle is designed to introduce new gameplay mechanics and provide an opportunity to test out new abilities gained through level advancement.

Providing Playtest Feedback

If you try out the Patreon Early Access playtest of Crucible, we really appreciate any feedback that you have to share with us. To provide feedback, please engage in the #crucible channels and category in our community Discord server or fill out the feedback survey form which is linked within the Crucible system documentation inside Foundry VTT.

Thank you all for your interest and support, regardless of whether Crucible is a game system that interests you or not, your encouragement and support means a tremendous amount to me and the Foundry Virtual Tabletop team. Happy gaming!


Eric Triebe

Everyone make sure you're on V11 for the Foundry version to test this out. 😀

Alexander Jakimcio

Damn just as I went away for holidays. I'm hyped to read further into it and try it

Andry Verevkin

Is there any date when we will be able to create our own adventure?


The system is still VERY raw at this point, but for your own personal use you can certainly start doing that right away. For distribution, we will be adding a license which provides terms supporting content creation and commercial use. I expect that license to be added once the system is a bit closer to feature complete - but not TOO long.

Andry Verevkin (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-11 12:25:47 BTW want to say after +-5hrs in it : This game system is sooo cool. Seriously...if you polish it, it will be a history changer <3
2023-06-10 05:16:04 BTW want to say after +-5hrs in it : This game system is sooo cool. Seriously...if you polish it, it will be a history changer <3

BTW want to say after +-5hrs in it : This game system is sooo cool. Seriously...if you polish it, it will be a history changer <3


I would love a ~5 minute overview video. Or a writeup. That video is *way* too long if you aren't already invested. If I had a group of players, maybe I'd give it a shot, but I've been trying and failing to get a group of friends together for over a year for systems that *aren't* brand new. I'm tentatively optimistic about/interested in Crucible, but there's gotta be a better way to learn more than watching a 3 hour video or downloading and learning by experimentation


Yeah, absolutely understand the need for that. I'll for sure put something like this together, but it might be a bit later in the development process because things are still changing very rapidly.


That's the reality of development. I can wait, but I'd love even like 3-5 sentences of additional detail. Like, how does the classless system work - roughly speaking, is it somewhat like Shadowrun's character creation? Or is it more RP focused? Is it like multiclassing in other systems minus the headaches?


The game system itself contains rules journals which explain all of this in detail, I know you mentioned you don't have time to download the system and learn by experimentation, but I want to make sure to clarify that all the documentation to learn is provided in the system rather than it requiring you to just figure it out on your own. My recommendation would be just to install it and take a look at the System Rules compendium!

T. Elliot Cannon

Awesome to see you developing your own original system! Rock on. Would love to take a look and provide detailed feedback if interested. https://www.telliotcannon.com/

Pyram King

Was interested in testing this on the Forge. However, not sure how to connect my pateron there to gain access. Any help would be welcome. I am on the HERO tier and have connected my Patreon to the Forge Bazzar, which shows my connection to Foundry Gaming Patreon as Hero tier. Thoughts?

Dan Brazelton

You need to link patreon on Foundry and then it will work on Forge. It's a bit fiddly, but once linked you can install via the set up page looking at premium content. You cannot install via Bazaar.

Pyram King

Thank you - got it working. Silly me - thought I had to link my Patreon to Forge.


How do you get permission to give feedback on the crucible-playtest-feedback channel?


There is a channel #role-management where you can opt-in to the Crucible User role!

Alexandre Valdetaro

I randomly saw this YT video and immediately became a patreon. I have always dreamed of a TT system that is like a game and can get people to play without any knowledge of rules. Also not hindered by pen and paper simplicity requirements. Like a game, but the GM makes content on the fly. This is so exciting. I'll find friends to playtest this asap


Awesome, thank you Alexandre. I hope you and your group like it (bearing in mind that it's early in development still)!

T Wolli

Are there plans to publish Crucible in more languages or is there already something planned/known about translation modules? In my case it would be German, for example. I find the system really exciting, but as long as it's in English, I won't be able to get my group excited about it.


This will end up depending on how "successful" Crucible is in English. If the system is catching on and people are using it and it looks like a strong platform for us to keep developing - then I would love to do some limited localization support likely targeting German/French/Spanish/Portuguese as a first set of languages. This likely would not be in the near term though, probably not for a couple years. It would be very inefficient to start work on translation when the system is in such a state of rapid change, so we have to wait for the rules to settle before we would commit to this. In the mean-time, perhaps there will be some volunteer community translation projects if people like yourself are enthusiastic about it!