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Guys! It's been a while since I wrote (well, a week or so). I'm considering moving the report to every two weeks because I feel I spam your mail boxes with my posts, heh. But I found that reporting weekly sets me a pace where I constantly work AND keep you informed.

I'm in the middle of the first day mission, where you're shown around Ursus' facilities, and get ready for the first mission, kinda like JCS. But I was feeling it too generic, so I scrapped it and started again. Now in this version, according to your attitude the dialog will change, a lot. Now they will give you a preview of what to expect on the different paths.

Right now, Neutral and Sub players will get a shot with Mack, and dom players with Elric. Nothing is definitive at this point (even though you may feel that you're already set with one of them from the start) until you reach a certain point of level 1. Then the paths will diverge, and you can only chase one of the guys. And the first mission will take you to a very important character of a future storyline, but I'm not going into more spoilers.

I will begin to add Luke's scenes to the VR gallery. It will come on the update of this month. Well, that's it. Back to the cave. See you next week.



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