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Reth: hohoh I think we are not just satisfied with seeing her unmasked, I admit that she is my favorite Overlord, she rejected me the first time I flirted with her but it is sexy to see her angry and wanting to punish you!!!



Eduardo De Alba Cejudo

Haz uno de Zera con el abdomen bien marcado y unos músculos docentes por favor.


I would gladly let her do anything and EVERYTHING to me. My place would be to be her plaything and I would accept it proudly.

JC Mahrt

Nice. And overall, interesting to learn that there is some history between Reth and her, and I guess that is also the case for the other Overlords as well.


Si quiero dibujarla, ahorita la que sigue es Emily por el Poll, pero de a poco quiero dibujar al resto de elenco femenino como Sera, Velvette o Cherry Bomb


Reth is also an overlord, at some point in her life she met Carmilla and did not hesitate to fall in love but Carmilla never returned the feeling.

Agijon Réquiem

Mí vieja encima de cantante también es luchadora

JC Mahrt

Considering how Carmilla generally acts towards other Overlords, and given her profession. Yeah, not surprised that Reth ended up encountering a lost cause, because Carmilla's profession doesn't exactly entail with her being vulnerable all that much.