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Reth: Ladies and gentlemen, bring out your best swimsuits and suntan lotion, we have the first official Wrestling Match on the beach, HELL YEAH!!! - The Sensual cat burglar Nami of the Straw Hats faces the Masked Beauty Shadowline, who shows her what justice means in a peculiar way, no matter which Devil fruit you eat, that undoubtedly had to to hurt !!




Oh~! Sexy beach wrestling~! With Shadowline and classic bikini outfit Nami no less~! What an absolute treat, this is so phenomenally lovely mate~! I wonder if this move is one of Shadowline's signature moves, cause I remember her doing it to Mina a while ago hehe~ But yeah, as always, posing is incredible~! What really caught my eye was how Nami's leg wrapped around SL and of course, her large chest pressing against SL's face which is a very nice touch of detail that needs to be appreciated hehe~! But yeah, the first Wrestlingverse Beach fight is an absolute masterpiece and I hope to see more of these~! Amazing job as always mate, kee it up~!

Daylen Eddins

Nami won’t have kids after that painful hit in her you know what lower female groin part

wrestling lover

Like this one over the wrestling ring one , but what an painful move for poor nami to take. What did she ever do to deserve that

JC Mahrt

Oh that is going to hurt in the morning, and I am guessing that Shadowline is enjoying this. Also Nice.


I think that even though it is a low blow, I like that Shadowline has a special move like that, the problem is finding a name for this new punishment hehe


Knowing Nami, they turned the fight into a dispute where they competed to see who had the best body and the fight escalated more than it should have haha


No, this was just a fight, I respect each and every one of my opponents, I would never think of something that is not happening - she speaks still with a red face thinking about how lucky she was to be so close to the cat burglar hehe

JC Mahrt

*Stares at Shadowline with narrow eyes intensely*-Rrrrrrrrrrrrright, that is definitely the case.