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Bad day to get lost in the multiverse!!

Sorry, I just saw this drawing on a meme and I said...let's do it!!

( Dont Worry, No #Shadowline was harmed in the making of this meme)😅



Oscar Cruz

The many dangers of exploring the multiverse

JC Mahrt

Shadowline, I know that Canadians tend to be portrayed as nice people in popular media, but Wolverine is not that kind of Canadian. Also, Nice. Lol.


I'm sure she'll be fine~ Just got to talk things out~ Wolverine seems like a... calm and reasonable person hehe~


Just had this funny idea of Logan slashing Shadowline but only her clothes end up coming off X'D


hahaha I know, when I visited Canada the people is so good and friendly, but that attitude can be forgiven for Wolverine being so Cool !!