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RETH: Nifty, the Little daddys Monster is finally in the Wrestlingverse, isn't she cute? I bet she can give the most treacherous and wild attacks, ideal to give a little surprise to anyone who wants to feel like a hero in my Wrestlingverse!!



JC Mahrt

Nifty is just here to wrestle with boys. And probably will give Darkness a run for her money in terms of how masochistic she is. Also, Nice.

wrestling lover

hide your bugs and someone warn the angels to watch your back or else an backstabber is in your future. This goes for Lute especially


Hehe~! Happy to have this little gremlin aboard for the fun~!


hohoho I think the same, maybe I'll be encouraged to draw her facing Shadow in a fight, she'll have fun although I can't say the same for him