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RETH: Oh hell, ladies and gentlemen, next week we will have a long awaited rematch, the sexy warrior of Wano Island YAMATO vs the beautiful archaeologist, NICO ROBIN !!!, her devil fruit will help her claim victory ?? or Yamato will get revenge!!



JC Mahrt

This will be interesting.

Oscar Cruz

Can't decide, love both of them

G Craigsly

Hard to say, Reth. If Yamato can take the fight seriously from the get go and utilize her own Devil Fruit Power, she might claim an early edge. But I've seen Nico Robin pull out of tight spots many times, so the battle here at Wano 2.0 is going to be another tight one.


GO YAMATO~! GET REVENGE~! Hehe, jokes aside, super excited for this rematch~! Rooting for my favorite tall hottie~!


Pirate Brain vs Brawn part 2 Who will this Round? 🤔

wrestling lover

When did robin vs yamato 1 happen?


I'll start with the sketch today to have it ready on Thursday, because I'm also preparing something extra for Halloween for tomorrow.!!