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Reth: Ok, few people have earned the enmity of Shadowline, but I guess that's what you get when you mess with a woman's age...or her weight, well, we have no choice but to resign ourselves and enjoy the view that Rumiko gives us hohoho >:D

Rumiko is a character created by my friend https://x.com/TheDaftCat




Haha~! Hawt and hilarious~! Love this rivalry between these two lovely gals~! Also, per usual, you do such an incredible job making Rumiko so expressive despite the helmet~! Lovely work as always mate~!

Daylen Eddins

Uh Rumiko I don’t think that’s Shadowline this time

JC Mahrt

Rumiko says she trained a lot, meanwhile Shadowline is taking advantage of the fact that Rumiko has forgotten a major rule: Always expect for the unexpected. Also, Nice.