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RETH: The Wrestlinverse already needed more BAD GIRLS on the roster and she is one of my favorites, she is vile, slippery, deceitful and HOT, DAMN, She is the perfect material to become your most bigger desire... or your worst nightmare, her name is... SEDUSA !!! 🔥🔥🔥

And we have a version with and without Nose, ffff it seems that it does not matter but it makes me feel nostalgic !!




Yes!! I love her! She was my first cartoon crush! Still love her to this day!

JC Mahrt



Oh yeah. I remember her. From “Power Puff Girls.”


Another villain for the roster Hope you send her a nice heroine to squeeze

Cristian Garcia

She looks beautiful, amazing work. I hope you do that one female villain with the long blonde hair from the episode Equal Fights ❤️‍🔥👍


With an ass that hypnotizing, I'd do anything she says😈


Es increíble que un personaje como ella saliera en una serie para niños, McCracken es un visionario


Another heel/villain is always welcome~! Lovely job as always~!


The episode where she fights vs Bellum was one of the first female fights that became a fan of Wrestling between women

wrestling lover

Damn this is an flash from the past. Still if she is here then my mind goes straight to miss bellum , but well she got no face as all we ever saw of her was her hair