What to Expect This Week 📅 (Patreon)
I've been hard at work last weekend and this week to increase the output. Though I will be traveling this Friday and weekend, this Funday Friday should have more content than the last few!
I'm about 80% done with the first Keystroke Temple Zone Boss!
This is the first of 3 planned Temple bosses for those who's morality is somewhere in the middle. Fire has a way of cleansing things doesn't it?
I'm about 95% done with the next TOTS scenes!
They are all Caprice/Boss centric. One of them happens in the prologue, and the other two while surviving the succubi. The goal was to give Caprice a higher chance of cheating on you for those who don't go down the Anissa corruption route and don't want to avoid your dear Fiancé.
I'm about 50% done with the Depths 4th Act and First FOH Boss!
Getting an entire act together in a week is super difficult. Doing it while pulling off the other scenes and a boss will be a huge accomplishment. Wish me luck!
Due to travel - Expect the Funday Friday to upload earlier than it's been the last few months!