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Unfortunately I've been a bit sick this week. While I have been constantly moving forward, it feels like far more of a grind the last two days.

That being said - There is plenty to celebrate for this week's coming Funday Friday!

1. A new Liya Mall Zone encounter! She has two dresses for you to try one but one will end far better for you. If I didn't have a huge head start on this one last week I might not have been able to finish.

2. Fall of Haven Tutorial! It's been planned forever and I'm finally in the position to be arranging all of it. Like any new systems to code, they have a huge learning curve and I hope to get it in a good place for Friday through tenacity.

3. New Werewolf Enemy. I tried to up-res the sprite myself but found it a far better use of my time to commission it out to an actual artist and pay them for extra animations.

4. New Trials of the Succubi Christmas scene! I plan to have an extension to one of the previous Autumn scenes up and running for this Friday.




Tutorials are hard commitments! Exciting stuff. Great job and great effort, indyc!