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Hey guys! So as some of you may know by now, I am working on a little product for the DM's Guild that includes one brand new subclass for every one of the core classes. So far you've seen the first pass of the Gravewalker, a warlock subclass. The feedback here and on the discord server has been awesome!

So today, I present you with the Oath of Destiny, a new subclass for paladins who seek a glimpse at the divine plans of greater beings and of course the universe itself. Please tell me what you think! 

Also, I feel it goes without saying but for those of you who are curios, once the final draft is completed of this subclass book everyone here on Patreon that is pledged at the $3 tier or higher will receive a PDF copy for free. I am looking forward to showing you guys everything I've been cooking up!



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