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Hello everyone! This week is going to be a MASSIVE video! 

We're talking about one of the most infamous creatures from D&D 5E, but one that somehow was never given stats? 

The Bagman is here, he is spooky, and he's ready to horrify your players! 

The video is dropping soon! Don't forget to grab the hi-res PDF attached below! 

Link to the google docs version: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10xhLhRQ-2_-WxZD8w9rthOeIWkoC2HKRWEVjJF2NdNA/edit?usp=sharing



Joshua E Winterfeldt

Personally I think he's creepier as a plot device without stats but this stat block is solid and I know players who basically demand it. Kudos!

wolf the warlock

I love this monster. I just planted the seed for this monster showing up by having a Bard tell the tale of its existence around the campfire. One of my players just looked at me and told me don't you dare. Lol