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Hey gang!

I'm not planning on doing a new video about the odopi since I literally talked about them just over a year ago, but, I know they are a favourite amongst the community and since we're now getting some new original artwork made for our monsters I wanted to get some new art for the odopi done!

I'm planning on releasing this to everyone for free as a sort of bonus stat block, but I wanted to drop it here for patrons first!

Enjoy! I'll have a preview of next week's monster coming up pretty soon here! Till then!

- DD



Dungeon Dad

For those who may be new and haven't seen the original odopi video, here is a link if you're interested! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yilT5bcHwA

Frank Tano

I'm still hoping for a printer friendly option someday. =)

Dungeon Dad

I'm actually in the process of getting this done! Because the palette is so dark we're basically going to have to just redo the entire thing in black and white instead of just doing a color swap so that it doesn't look too rough. Should be ready within the next few weeks though!