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A look at some of Ivy's outfits and minor design updates for Season 1.

We drew the underlying underwear-only body shape (we call them 'mannequins') for the main cast designs this go-around to facilitate swapping their clothing out. Different scenes and episodes call for different apparel - something we didn't really have to deal with for the Pilot - so we've taken to a kind of paper doll approach like this.

Art here by L. Frostad, Kayla Stith, Fable, and me.



This Person

Cute sunshine girl~


Really outstanding character design , so inspiring!!


i love it!! she’s so cute!! 💛


i am in love with the addition of eye gradients


The yellow suits her so well 💛

Vince Heliotrope

Her clothing always reminds me of the sunshine. :3 I love this very beautiful.


Just a quick note….form fitting panties were not around then. They wore tap pants (a common name). Loose fitting shorts that were short and near knee length. In 1935 they began to be more form fitting.


The mannequin 'clothing' won't ever be visible in the actual animation. It's not meant to be period accurate - it's drawn like that so the designers can see the character's overall form without bulky fabric in the way. It's just less awkward than drawing the characters naked in this part of the process. (There is a character that appears in his underwear in an episode, though, and that will be a period accurate union suit)


I lvoe ivy


These are really good! I’ve never been much of a fashion person but I really love all the styles in the comic! The hat in particular is just so cute and it’s always amazing to see more of the show has to offer! You and Fable really nailed all the designs and I can’t wait to see them ounce the shows out!


I wish to ask her hand in marriage

Krzysztof Zieliński

Ivy looks beautiful, I can't wait to see her in season one 🤩


Her little teefs...


The new dresses are gorgeous I would so wear Ivy’s flapper look!


I know. Oh I remember the union suit as a kid because my dad still preferred to wear one. And I understand form and detail requirements for art. Class 101.😁

TA Long

her rolled-down stockings are adorable. dare i say, zettai ryoiki?

Leo G.

The classy flapper dress suits her well.


This Ivy Character sheet is MARVELOUS i love the redesign of her Flapper Dress!!! :D