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Happy New Year, everyone!
It's not really convention season, but who cares? We're going to one anyway!

Fable Siegel (Lackadaisy series director) and I, and some of the crew will be at Further Confusion in San Jose, California from January 16th-20th.

We'll be at dealer table 61 with books + merch, and we'll be hosting an Animation/Q&A panel on Sunday.

If you're heading that way, I hope we'll catch you there!




I won’t be able to attend but have fun! Sane goes to everyone lucky enough to attend!


TRACY WHY DIDNT YOU SAY ANYTHING EARLIER 😭 I’ll never make it in time now!


Sounds like a blast! Though I won’t be able to make it, I hope everyone else attending enjoys themselves! Happy New Year!

Steve Admienn

Aw man, I wanna go there but I can't. Also, the fact that the convention happens two days after my birthday is a double whammy to me ;-;.

Consent of the Governed

If anyone asked me if I was going here during these dates, I would say”NOT IN A MILLION YEARS.” Rather bluntly. You might even catch some tears streaming down my face.


Sorry about that! We didn't have the details fully sorted out until just recently.


Any chance for San Diego this year?


Wish I could go! It’s amazing you guys are able to do conventions, hope everything goes smoothly!


Have a great time! FurCon was my regular con for years..., sadly no more.


Now I'm sad that I don't live in the us... Have fun everyone though!


Awesome! I’ll drop by and say hello.

Sky Kast

I look closer to saltcon so that's the only one I can justify going to. It's a really small space guy so I'm not sure they can handle if more than 20 people from this group want to swing by Utah for a weekend

Zane Mykland

Is video recording allowed by any chance? Asking for a friend.


Of the panel? I have no personal objections, if someone wishes to film it. Depending on how many crew members we have there, we might be able to get someone to record it. Sometimes the cons themselves have policies about whether or not that's allowed, but reading their policy page, it seems they're okay with it as long as it's not meant for sale to the press.


Will you be at megaplex this year?