Little Pet Escape Attempt 1 (Patreon)
Mistress Melissa loves to be completive and playing volley ball is such fun for her to do but being so active and outgoing makes her forget about her little pet that she has captive in her cage but often times it escapes and tries to leave. It should learn that inside the cage is safer than outside the cage as this will be a hard lesson to endure. The shrunken man feels like freedom is on the other side of that door but as he attempts to run towards it, in comes Melissa coming home from her volleyball game and doesn’t see the little guy as she drops the volleyball on him and then steps on him with her stinky, sweaty socks. Melissa gets too distract on her phone like most women do and didn’t notice her little pet until she looks down on him. Instead of picking him up in harms way, she makes sure he does learn his lesson to not escape as she toys with him, tapping his little body with her foot. Eventually Melissa gets bored and puts him back inside his cage as she goes take a much needed shower.