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Palutena prepares her diarrhea-inducing donuts.

This animation will be a minute long, so I wanted to post a preview of it to tide people over a bit until it's finished, which should be near the end of the month (about a week from now).

If you missed it, you can check out the audio for this animation at https://www.patreon.com/posts/audio-palutena-60422600



Frost Beam

And she does it on purpose ey? Interestiiing


I suspect that she just uses weird ingredients without realizing it'll give her the runs, but there's technically no evidence in the story saying she DOESN'T do it on purpose.

Frost Beam

And THAT is the magic of a good teaser! Dont worry so much about people becoming impatient! Never rush yourself. You already make stuff pretty fast. Nothing needs to change!


Yes, just what i asked for. LET'S GO!