August Animation Suggestion Box (Patreon)
Comment characters and/or scenarios that you want to see in next month's animation! I will choose suggestions to be included in a poll, and the winning suggestion will be animated!
Also, in case you missed it, last month's animation poll ended in a tie. You can vote in the tiebreaker poll at the following link:
The 'Pool Poop Desperation' is in progress, and I hope to have it done in about a week. I'll post a WIP animatic very soon!
-August 1-15: Animation Suggestion Box
-August 16-20: Animation Suggestion Poll (using popular suggestions, or suggestions I like)
-Characters MUST be 18+
-You may suggest the scenario, but it's possible I'll decide the scenario myself based on what would work well for an animation. Shorter scenarios are best.
-You can make as many suggestions as you like