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Comment characters and/or scenarios that you want to see in next month's animation! I'll choose suggestions to be included in a poll, and the winning suggestion will be animated!

'Road Trip Poop Desperation' won the last poll by a huge amount, so I'd be interested to see some of the other popular suggestions from that poll suggested again if any of you still want to see them in the next poll.

The Succubus Animation is in progress, and I hope to have it done in about a week!


-September 1-15: Animation Suggestion Box

-September 16-20: Animation Suggestion Poll (using popular suggestions, or suggestions I like)


-Characters MUST be 18+

-You may suggest the scenario, but it's possible I'll decide the scenario myself based on what would work well for an animation. Shorter scenarios are best.

-You can make as many suggestions as you like


jaedon doizan

There was a story about Princess Peach, Daisy and Rosalina about Rosalina pooping herself. The link is here https://www.deviantart.com/guy111222333/art/Rosalina-s-potty-training-921645835


Summer from Rick and Morty. Summer plays in Ricks lab and ends up messing with some device that gives her spontaneous diarrhea. The urge is too great and she has no time to run out the room. She shits a huge, uncontrollable and shameful amount in her classic white pants.