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  • Ino Wip 5 Which is hotter.mp4
  • Ino Wip 5 Bra and Panties.mp4
  • Boruto Wip 5 Open shirt.mp4



This weeks WIP is another poll that asks a few questions. and also a scene that is inspired by Desto's older videos.

I ask you all the question I love asking, but realize both takes are going to be in the project.

Question 1: Which is hotter, which is better? (Check attachment that's labeled "Which is hotter?")

Take 1: Closest I could match with Desto. Desto's version was way too fast so I slowed it down.

Take 2: More momentum transfer and weight distribution. This one obviously took waay longer to do but I personally like that feeling of weight. 

Also Included a different clothing option, I'm probably going to stick with the open shirt version in the final project and keep the underwear as like a level 3 or 4 bonus scene. 

Question 2: Should I make sex scenes longer?

              I've always kept scenes relatively short to keep story pacing consistent but I'm coming to realize that's more of a subjective take on the matter.  Story pacing doesn't  matter entirely when it comes to the sex itself. Some projects actually have more story than they do sex. Some people don't care about the story (I'll always care btw), some people love the story telling element which elevates the sex scene (I love you guys), so I believe a good middle ground would be to make it longer but I still ask you all on your opinions.




The story pacing is the best for the first time watching one of your videos, but when i come back for the 4th time to the same video i already know the story like the palm of my hand so i would want the sex scenes more by then so longer scenes is my choice. *this is my opinion and would love to hear what other patreons have to say*


Call me greedy. But I would love to see a mixture of both the slow and sensual like desto with moments of intensity. Also are there plans to animate the eyes? I’d love to see IMO glance back at Boruto pounding her. Or some eye rolls. Lol


I plan on keeping both of the takes and have it transition between each other when it gets more intense and yeah these are just WIPS, face and eyes will be touched over eventually.


I think a mix of the clothing would be cool, like open shirt with panties, or a combo like open shirt panties and bra